Legion and Hellfire Coming to TV
by William Talley, filed in Articles, Comics, News, TV on Oct.14, 2015

This past August, there were reports that Fox was interested in bringing a live action X-men series to TV. Today, we got details on two new series that are coming to TV thanks to a partnership between Fox and Marvel TV. Hellfire will be coming to Fox while Legion will be coming to FX with a pilot already being ordered. Both projects are executive produced by X-men movie director Bryan Singer, with Legion having Noah Hawley (Fargo) attached to it as head writer. Hellfire will take place during the late 60s and follow the exploits of the club of millionaire mutants that was introduced in X-men First class, and is features prominently in the comics. A special agent investigates the group after learning that a powerful woman is in charge of the group. Legion will tell the story of Charles Xavier’s illegitimate son, David Haller, a powerful mutant with schizophrenia. While there are obviously no details in the way of date, stars, timeslot, or even if these shows are in X-men movie continuity, this is certainly exciting news for fans of Marvel’s merry mutants. It’s even more surprising to see Marvel TV and Fox working together in spite of Fox’s stinginess over the X-men and Fantastic Four rights.