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Sweet Powet.TV entries by FakeTrout

Video Games Live To Air On PBS This Summer

Check your local listings, PBS is bringing Video Games Live home.

After five years of fan demand, VGL will release a DVD and PBS will exclusively air 90 minutes of it this summer. As part of the PBS Pledge Drive, The Video Games Live DVD, Blu Ray, and CD will only be available via PBS through November 1. This will be a great chance to support public television in your community and get a sweet DVD while you’re at it. Thats a lot better than a tote bag!

Dates will vary from city to city and station to station depending on when your local PBS station will run its pledge drive, so definitely keep an eye on the schedule. Video Games Live will run from July 31 through the month of August.

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Red Faction Armageddon! Get Your Ass To Mars!

redfactionarmageddonThe follow up to 2009’s best open world game, Red Faction Armageddon takes the destruction underground. You’ll play Darius Mason, the grandson of Red Faction Guerilla’s Alec Mason.

Game is coming March 2011, so you’ve got 9 months to camp outside your favorite retailer before you can take the deadly Nano Forge / Sledgehammer combo to some underground alien settlements. Oh yeah, this is the fourth game in the series and the first to actually include Martians.

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Will Joker Return for Batman 3?


“No”, says Nolan emphatically and unhesitatingly. He resists elaborating simply because, quite understandably, he says, “I just don’t feel comfortable talking about it”.

The above quote is taken directly from Empire magazine, currently on sale. Nolan also rules out Mr Freeze and The Penguin for his next Batman project, due in 2012. Though its less likely those omissions are a tribute to performances by Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny Devito.

By process of elimination, Riddler and Catwoman are still on the table, though more obscure characters could still prevail. Black Mask? Bane? Johnny Depp as Mad Hatter?

Cool Beans: LOST Series Finale Edition

coolbeanslost An extensive look back at the series that redefined network television. We discuss and dissect the final episode, compare island philosphies, and examine six years of great (and godawful!) storytelling. Spoilers abound, but you knew that anyway!

Direct Link: Cool Beans: LOST Series Finale Edition

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Avengers Assembled: Hawkeye In, Hulk Out?

HawkeyeBlackWidowHere is the good news: Jeremy Renner, hot off his Academy Award nominated performance in The Hurt Locker is in final talks to be Marvel’s Hawkeye in The Avengers directed by Joss Whedon. Everything about that sentence is exciting. Renner is a perfect fit, as anyone who saw Renner’s cavalier bomb squad specialist can attest.

Hawkeye is likely to appear as a villain in the movie, as his comic counterpart was initially. His attraction to Black Widow is likely to turn his head (along with most of the male audience) toward joining the team. Still no word on who Whedon has in mind to confront the team as the main bad guy.

Here is the bad news: Edward Norton may be out of the picture. THR reports that the Hulk may still be a character in the movie, but he might not show up in Norton form. Which is a real shame since Norton is an incredible actor and his Bruce Banner was terrific.

No word on Ant Man, Wasp, or any other second-string Avengers. They might not appear, or in smaller roles (think some of the background mutants in X-Men).

Source: The Hollywood Reporter

Thor’s Movie Costume

A few weeks back Marvel showed off the first image of Chris Hemsworth as Thor, and we all thought it was pretty cool. You know what else is cool? This.
Collider has posted images very similar to the concept art we saw of Captain America yesterday.

While I don’t question the authenticity of either Thor or Cap’s concept artwork, the style of the costumes suggests something more modern than WWII or Asgard would probably produce. I get the feeling these are Thor’s modern day Earth superhero clothes rather than his native garb.

On the otherhand, we have no idea what Kenneth Branagh and Marvel intend Asgard to look like, so you be the judge.

thor_concept_art_chris_hemsworth_02 thor_concept_art_chris_hemsworth_01

What do you think of Thor’s costume? Can you see him fighting alongside Iron Man and Captain America?

Captain America’s Movie Costume – First Look!

cap1By now its well known that Chris Evans is Captain America, but we didn’t know what the costume would look like. Cap has had a few different looks over the years, and any translation from page to screen is sure to have some changes thrown in. Obviously Iron Man and Spider-Man went through a movie makeover, but still stayed very true to the comic origins.

AICN has posted 4 images of what are supposedly the costume designs for Steve Rogers. The images have been independently confirmed as legitimate.

What do you think, true believers? Is this the real deal? Is this everything you would hope for in Captain America and The Avengers?

cap2 cap3 cap4

Thundercats return to Cartoon Network

newthundercatsliono Warner Bros has announced they plan to relaunch Thundercats with a new animated series set to debut on Cartoon Network. A date has not been announced, but it will be co-produced by Warner Bros Animated and Studio4°C in Japan.

A copy of the press release follows, but it really doesn’t say much outside of WB’s attempt to get Thundercats going again after decades of rumors and false starts. Oh, and we also have this massive teaser image of Lion-O. Thats pretty cool right?

So if you were to look into the Eye of Thundera and were given sight beyond sight, what would you want to see in a new Thundercats show?
For me personally, I hope WB calls up Mattel and gets the Four Horsemen to do the action figure line.
[Read the rest of this entry…]

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