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Sweet Powet.TV entries by Adam

Alex Paints an Anarchy Symbol in Wizards of Waverly Place

Anarchy Symbol in Wizards of Waverly Place

Another fun little Easter Egg from the Disney TV show “Wizards of Waverly Place”. In episode 23 of season 2, “Paint by Committee”, Alex Russo, played by Selena Gomez, paints a giant letter A on a wall in an abandoned train tunnel. When asked about it’s meaning she says “It’s my initial in a circle representing … my initial in a circle.” but the symbol bears a striking resemblance to an anarchy symbol.

Alex Russo paints an Anarchy Symbol in Wizards of Waverly Place

Alex Russo paints an Anarchy Symbol in Wizards of Waverly Place

Selena Gomez painting an anarchy symbol in Wizards of Waverly Place Anarchy Symbol in Wizards of Waverly Place

Anarchy SymbolWhat could be the symbolism behind this logo? Alex Russo is a pretty free spirited girl, often opposing authority and rules, so the anarchy symbol certainly applies on a fairly superficial level, but I wouldn’t go so far as to suggest the art department be insinuating we all be better off in a world without Government.

Later in the episode as Alex paints her mural “New York Above and Below” we can once again see the iconic “initial in a circle” shown in the below portion referred to as the “gritty grimy New York, filled with barf”.

Another Anarchy Symbol Appears on the Bottom Right of this Mural

Another Anarchy Symbol Appears on the Bottom Right of 'New York Above and Below'

Wizards of Waverly Place is known for hiding such symbols. Alex Russo can be seen wearing peace symbols as part of various outfits throughout the show. These occur so frequently that an effort is made to include at least one peace symbol in Selena Gomez’s outfits in every episode of season 2. As opposed to the anarchy symbolism, the crew have made clear that they have strong feelings about putting forth a positive message of peace. Earlier this month Powet reported on Selena wearing an I love hoe bags t-shirt. Though in that case it may have been a mere coincidence, this painting’s resemblance to an anarchy symbol seems to be more than chance.

Powet Robots: GERTY from Moon

Powet Robots: GERTY from Moon
Today we explore the robot of a thousand (8) faces, GERTY from Moon.

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Read on for pictures of the many faces of GERTY as well as behind the scenes images of the making of this video and costume.
[Read the rest of this entry…]

aDam guest stars on Evil Avatar’s Shotgun Podcast

Evil Avatar - ShotgunThis week I guest starred on Evil Avatar’s Shotgun Podcast, a podcast about the wonderful world of video games! I first met up with Ben from Evil Avatar at PAX East 2010 when I tried to smash him over the head with a wrench while dressed as a Bioshock Splicer

This latest episode covers games like Limbo, Lego Harry Potter, Infamous, Transformers: War For Cyberton and Deathsmiles.

“I Love Hoe Bags” Shirt in Wizards of Waverly Place

I love hoe bags shirt

I spotted this shirt in an episode of the Disney TV show “Wizards of Waverly Place” earlier this week. Here we have Selena Gomez’s character Alex Russo wearing an interesting shirt. It’s hard to see what the full text on this shirt says but from the two shorts scenes it’s shown in the only visible letters for the most part read “I <3 Hoe Bags".

Selena Gomez expresses her love of hoe bags

Selena Gomez expresses her love of hoe bags

Alex Russo loves hoe bags I love ho bags

Is this specific shirt placement intentional? It seems like quite an oversight to have half a shirt’s message obstructed from view in a well assembled outfit on the show’s main character but this could just be a coincidence. The text of the full shirt is “I <3 Shoes, Bags & Boys“. I don’t know that this message is terribly well reflected in a show that doesn’t really focus on a girl’s love of bags that much. No shortage of shoes and boys though…

If you’re looking for the episode in which this shirt appears it’s the 5th episode of season 2, “Alex’s Brother Maximan” in which Justin builds a robot, Max dresses up as a superhero to fight crime and Alex has a date with Dean at the skate park. The shirt appears around the middle of the episode.

Powet Robots: Silent Running

Drone #1 Huey from Silent Running

In the first episode of the new Powet original series “Powet Robots” we look at the robots from the 1972 film Silent Running, Drone #1 (Dewey), Drone #2 (Huey) and Drone #3 (Louis)

Watch this video in High Definition

Check out more images of the Silent Running Drones, behind the scenes images of how the costumes work below and my very own making of photos for this video below.
[Read the rest of this entry…]

Keep Playing: Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All Stars


Here are the Dangerous Boy Tekkaman Blade and Ryu Hoshi to talk about Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All Stars, a fighting game for the Nintendo Wii.

Powet Alphabet: T is for 3D

Since the alphabet is the building block of our language, the Powet Alphabet is the building block of what makes us geeks.

The whole world is 3D, so maybe I should be more specific. This article is to discuss the optical effect of making something appear 3D to a human viewer. This effect can be done a number of ways, but in pretty much all instances this is achieved by having each eye see a different image to create the illusion of depth.

Close one eye at a time and you’ll see that each eye sees something slightly different. This is the real trick to 3D called paralax. The left eye needs to see an image as it would appear from a few inches to the left than the right eye and your brain is smart enough to use this to extrapolate depth. An easy way of showing this to be the real source of the effect is to try closing one eye while using pretty much any kind of 3D technology, and you will see the effect disappear.

Iconic blue and red 3D glasses

Iconic blue and red 3D glasses

[Read the rest of this entry…]

Keep Playing: Bioshock 2

Keep Playing Bioshock 2
Bioshock 2
One of rapture’s splicers gives a review of the Special Edition of Bioshock 2.

Watch this video in HD

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