This American Life… On Your TV Box!
by Sean "TheOrange" Corse, filed in Reviews, TV on Mar.22, 2007
Maybe you’ve been listening for the last several weeks to the radio program, and actually sat through the credits. Or perhaps you visit the website for archives, and came across one of the various available YouTube trailers. Or, if you’re like me, you just so happened to be watching watching basic cable when one of their spots came on. If not, you probably had no idea that Chicago Public Radio’s This American Life is making the jump to television, airing the first of six episodes tonight at 10:30 pm ET on Showtime.
The most surprising thing to me? Ira Glass, far from having “a great face for radio”, is somewhat evocative of David Foley (if he had aged much better), maybe with a dash of John Flansburgh of They Might Be Giants thrown in there for good measure. It’s gotta be the glasses.
Earlier I said it airs tonight, but — if you have a Digitial TV service with OnDemand — the first episode has actually been available since March 1st. I took at look at it yesterday.