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Archive for May, 2007:

New Terminator movies

A new trilogy of Terminator movies is planned, according to an article by Dark Horizons. The rights to the franchise have moved on to a new company who intends to make new movies without involving James Cameron or Governer Arnold Schwarzenegger. The next movie planned will be written by Terminator 3’s John Brancato and Michael Ferris.

Along with the rights to the Terminator movies go all associated rights to TV, games, chocolate bars and scented soap. That also includes the Sarah Connor Chronicles TV series that’s been in the works for some time.

Thanks to xSharonx for the heads up.

As a exclusive we have a rough cut of Terminator 4 after the jump!

[Read the rest of this entry…]

Hi-Res Transformers Movie Character Images

Michael Bay has posted hi-resolution stills of eight Transformers from the upcoming movie, and they provide a pretty clear look at what these characters are going to look like when they’re standing still. There isn’t much more to say – or see – here without spoiling yourself with their appearances, but you can see them at his blog or just continue after the jump for mirrors.
[Read the rest of this entry…]

Soul Calibur Legends Art and Logo

Its been less than 24 hours since we heard about Adventures in “Soul Calibur” but here are some art stolen from 1UP!


Soul Calibur is the universally accepted fighting game of choice at the Powet offices, and any expansion on that world is welcome. When we initially heard about this game, the word came down we’d play as Siegfried, but that killer artwork of Ivy makes me thing we’ll see lots of playable characters.

So now the question– Will this be the next Death By Degrees or Shaolin Monks?

Final Fantasy IV DS in 3D

Final Fantasy IV DS
A message board post at NeoGAF shows a scan from a Japanese magazine showing screens from a 3D Nintendo DS version of Final Fantasy IV, the greatest Final Fantasy game ever made.

Showing a clear resemblance to last year’s Final Fantasy III DS this would be the second DS remake of a Final Fantasy game. This move is puzzling after the recent Gameboy Advance release of the game in December 2005, but not unwelcome.

I found the remake of Final Fantasy III for the DS to be a great adaptation and look forward to this update of the game, whose graphics have been untouched since its original release in 1991. While all 3 of the Nintendo/Famicom Final Fantasy games have had their graphics enhanced in more recent versions, the 3 Super Nintendo/Super Famicom games had not been enhanced in their many ports.

A mirror of the magazine scan can be seen after the jump.

[Read the rest of this entry…]

Two More Star Wars Movies?

Star Wars Fan
Fox “News” reports that George Lucas has mentioned he will be doing 2 more live action Star Wars movies. They are to take place around the same timeframe as the stories from the movies but not centered around the Skywalker family. These would be made for TV movies clocking in at about an hour each.

Here’s the relevant portion of the article:

And here’s a little news: Lucas tells me he will make two more live-action films based in the “Star Wars” era.

“But they won’t have members of the Skywalker family as characters,” he said. “They will be other people of that milieu.”

The two extra films will also be made for TV and probably be an hour long each. But, like “Clone Wars,” Lucas doesn’t know where on TV they will land.

The full story can be read here as we await confirmation from a reputable news source.

Thanks to Quantumhawk for the heads up.


The article is apparently wrong. The reporter was confused and Lucas was actually talking about the 2 animated shows Lucas plans on making. This will be the first and last time I quote an article from Fox News.

Custom Transformers G1 Octane

Custom G1 Octane post banner

In a previous post, I mentioned that I had found a couple of very impressive scratch-built customs of a couple Transformers Generation 1 characters. The same person who made those customs is at it again with another Generation 1 character, the triple changing Octane. Its still in progress, but impressive nonetheless.

Custom G1 Octane Plane Custom G1 Octane Robot Custom G1 Octane Truck

Tim Roth Cast as Abomination in The Incredible Hulk

The Abomination
Tim RothWith Ed Norton cast as Bruce Banner, and Liv Tyler cast as Betty Ross, looks like it’s time to start casting the bad guys – And Tim Roth has been cast as The Abomination, longtime enemy of The Hulk.

The story of the Abomination – at least in the comics – is that of a former KGB spy named Emil Blonsky who becomes exposed to Gamma Radiation (the same radiation responsible for the Hulk’s powers). However, instead of transforming back and forth like Banner does, Blonsky becomes permanently trapped in his hideous, mutated form, and he retains the same level as intelligence as always. You can try to track down the semi-recent retelling of his history in the Incredible Hulk: Destruction miniseries by Peter David, but as it’s not collected in a trade yet, good luck to you on that.

Adventures in “Soul Calibur”

TakiLike Soul Calibur, but not a big fighting-game buff? Seems there might be an upcoming alternative.

Soul Calibur Legends has been announced by Namco to be released for the Wii, and has been dubbed as an “adventure game” rather than the series usual forte with fighting. The player will travel through the 16th century, and will run into the Soul Calibur crew along their way. Sword-based combat will obviously utilize the Wiimote for the basics of Hack’n Slash. A release date has not, as of yet, been released to the general public, and will be anxiously awaited in the future.

If this type of gameplay seems familiar, it should. A similar type of “adventure combat” was used in fellow fighter series Mortal Kombat’s newest release Armageddeon, where the character ran around in “Konquest Mode” collecting items and fighting enemies, and would occationally enter into into a Combat Mode, where you would then fight your opponent one-on-one like you would in the regular fighting mode. Whether or not Soul Calibur means to do the same or something similar remains to be seen.

This week’s edition of Famitsu has an article on the new addition to the SC series, so check it out.

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