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Archive for May, 2007:

Transformers 2007 New Trailer

The newest trailer for Transformers has just been released on Yahoo Movies.

This will run in front of Shrek The Third this weekend as well as Pirates Of The Carribean: At Worlds End next weekend.

Click Here to see the new Exclusive trailer and all the old ones too!

Konami Music Library Distributed

KonamiSony has teamed up with veteran gaming monopoly Konami, and vested its efforts into releasing digital distributions of Konami’s video game music library. Song from Castlevania to Silent Hill, and from Contra to Gradius, will all be digitally released by Sony’s BGM Entertainment.

“Music has been at the foundation of Konami’s games for decades, and now consumers will be able to enjoy these classic tunes on their own”, quotes Konami’s music manager of Digital Entertainment Michael Rajna. Music will be availible for purchase from places such as iTunes and Rhapsody, as well as for mobile-phone download.

Seems like a bit of a stretch to me for Sony and Konami alike, seeing as how most of these VG tunes can be downloaded for free either by fansites or from torrent downloads. I suppose only sales will tell whether or not it’s an actual money-making venture. Konami’s music has been a keynote of it’s games for over two decades, and something like this is only just now being released? Kinda slow on the uptake if you ask me, but that’s just my humble opinion.

Halo 3 Release Date Revealed!

Halo 3Well kids, looks like your anxious waiting and thumb-twiddling has come to an end. Microsoft has confirmed that Halo 3 will be released with a date of September 25th of this coming fall for North America. Europe will have to wait an extra day. Sorry Euros.

This announcement comes mere hours before the official beta release of the game early tomorrow morning. Three editions have also been said to be made – the regular edition for normal price, the Limited Edition for $10 more, and the uber Legendary Edition for the ungodly price of $129.99 – all of which can now be pre-ordered. So save up, all you Master Chief wannabees. Despite the fact you’ll still be waiting a decent chunk of time, this should still prove to be an interesting trip. Finish The Fight: September 25

Team Fortress 2’s Heavy Weapons Guy

I’ve already spoken of the pure excitement I have over the forthcoming Half Life Orange Box, but this trailer in particular is quite entertaining. The art style is perfect for a game. While Valve has the best visuals in the industry for rendering regular people, the highly animated look of Team Fortress 2’s players is reaching Pixar levels. Yeah I’m saying it. We’re out of that glass eyed uncanny valley of Spider-Man 3 visuals and squarely into spirited animated movie territory.

Cream of the Comics – 5/16/2007

Ultimates 2 #13 comes out this week. I’m telling you this, because I can see how you might miss it, or not even be expecting it. If you’ve been buying the series, then – much like me – you’re probably more than a little relieved to be seeing it end. I’m not even looking forward to it. I’m just looking forward to being done with it. So, now for something I am looking forward to…

X-Factor #19X-Factor #19
written by Peter David, art by Khoi Pham

Peter David has been toiling along on this title, diligently writing interesting stories and absolutely wonderful character interactions, despite getting shafted with a rotating cast of artists that won’t stop. A recent high point of David’s work on the book includes leader Jamie Madrox (AKA, the Multiple Man) accidently bunked up with both M and Siryn on the same night, after getting drunk and hooking up with one, while a somewhat horny multiple of himself went to bed with the other.

This issue, unfortunately, will likely be a little light on such shenanigans. However, it does seem to be working hard on story points. I will warn you – the stories David tackles deal intimately with the fallout of House of M (“No more mutants”, remember?) and Son of M (Quicksilver can use crystals from the Inhumans to give former mutants their powers back – if you missed it, consider yourself caught up. Oh yeah, and he’s a little crazy now). If you have zero interest in the subject matter, this is still a pretty great book. It’s really well written, and it’s a great example of why a Peter David book is generally a pretty sure bet. And if you do have an interest in the material, then I can’t really imagine why you wouldn’t be reading this book already.

That said, last issue tied up a kind of meandering storyarc where Jamie was out collecting rogue multiples of himself (one had become an agent of SHIELD, one had become an agent of Hydra, one got himself shot to death by a bunch of cops right in front of him, and so on, and so on), so this issue should be kicking right into story material. Don’t be a jerk; jump on now and catch a great book before it’s gone.

Fangoria Comics Launch

Fangoria ComicFangoria Magazine, which is one of America’s top horror news & reviews sites, has apparently launched their own line of comic books. Fangoria Comics as one would imagine, will feature numerous weird and supernatural titles, some of which are based on upcoming underground horror flims done by the likes of Wes Craven and Robert Kurtzman. The website itself will feature a news blog, as well as contest and exclusive swag to be had. Always good, right?

So if you’re into stories and images that look like Todd McFarlane’s surreal dreams, then you might want to check these out. Or, you know, you could always just look at the pretty pictures.

6 Episode Heroes Spinoff Series

Can’t wait until next season for more Heroes? Well good news! You don’t have to. reports that during the off season NBC will be showing a 6 episode spinoff series, Heroes: Origins, that will show the origin of one Hero in each episode. Through an online poll viewers will vote on which of these 6 is their favourite which will appear in the upcoming second season of Heroes.

RUMOR: Nintendo Power Magazine, No More?

Nintendo Power #1

IGN’s Matt Casamassina posted a rumor stating Nintendo may cease producing the publication known as Nintendo Power by September, 2007. If the rumor turns out to be founded, it would mark the next step in what looks to be a massive restructuring of Nintendo’s internal teams. Last week Nintendo announced that the bulk of its Advertising and Marketing Departments would be moving to either New York or San Fransisco.

Sources close to IGN state that massive layoffs are currently taking place and that other employees have been told to begin looking for other employment.

“Nintendo Power” has been Nintendo’s official internal publication since 1988, and despite its reputation of being a propaganda instrument, the magazine recently went through a major retooling and became quite level-handed.

Check out the initial report here

I, for one, will be sad to see the mag go the way of the dodo. They offered decent swag from time to time and has remained a staple among the Nintendo faithful for almost 20 years.

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