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Archive for May, 2007:


Yesterday we told you about the viral marketing thats being used to promote The Dark Knight and today its hit its first critical point by revealing the first image of Heath Ledger as The Joker.
This image defines creepy. It is unlike any Joker we’ve ever seen in any Batman movie, show, or comic. Pale skin, scarred face, smile painted on like a child with a crayon. Its so radically different, its likely to cause some fans to grumble about the change, but throwing the self proclaimed Clown Prince Of Crime into the fray of the gritty world of the current Batman just wouldn’t work. This image tells me one thing: This guy is meant to scare, not to cause laughs. This may well be the super psychotic Joker we rarely see in comics who is only funny to himself.

John Rambo Trailer

Sylvester Stallone revives another classic character for an over the hill swan song. Much like Rocky Balboa before it, John Rambo sounds ridiculous on paper, but in action looks insanely awesome.

Thanks to Captain Genius

Star Trek: TOS Minimates Wave 2 revealed

Minimates Star Trek: TOS Wave 2

Minimate HQ reports that DST revealed the line up for the second wave of classic Star Trek minimates.

The line up is as follows:

  • Battle Damaged Kirk and Gorn
  • Mr. Spock (The Cage) & Uhura
  • Sulu and Chekov
  • Swashbuckling Sulu (Chase)

I have to say that Swashbuckling Sulu is ridiculously awesome.

More Chronicles Of Riddick!

A few years ago there was a major, uncalled for, Vin Diesel backlash. Summer 2004 saw a big re-release of Pitch Black on DVD, the animated sequel Dark Fury, and The Chronicles Of Riddick as a major movie event. It bombed. It was awesome and fun to watch, but it bombed. Since then Diesel hasn’t had the same success, suffering through a family comedy, but gaining acclaim in the indie film Find Me Guilty.

By extension, the absolutely SUPERB game The Chronicles Of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay wasn’t as successful as it could’ve been. Xbox and PC owners who played the game can attest its one of the best single player first person games of the last generation, matching incredible visuals and great acting with innovative and intense gameplay.

This week on Game Head, Sierra announced they’re bringing back Butcher Bay for an Xbox 360 and PS3 release and packing in 40% more story, redoing the already amazing graphics, and calling it “Assault on Dark Athena” Starbreeze and Tigon are back on board for development and Vin Diesel will return as Riddick. Considering how many people overlooked this game based on its connection to the movie or because it was exclusive to Xbox (and still not available on backward compatibility), now is an excellent time to get in to Riddick.
[Read the rest of this entry…]

Batman: Dark Knight Campaign Begins

Next year’s sequel to Batman Begins is gaining momentum in the online world with some strange marketing decisions.

A central plot point of the movie will be Aaron Eckhart as Harvey Dent being elected as the District Attorney, and a teaser site called “I Believe In Harvey Dent” has a campaign poster for his election.

Of course the other central plot point of the movie is Heath Ledger as The Joker coming to power as the primary adversary for Batman and Gotham City at large. The Joker has set up his own little website called “I Believe In Harvey Dent Too!” with a defaced poster. Now here’s where is gets interesting: I submitted my email address to the form below the poster and got a message titled “defacing public servants” from Inside was the following note:

I always say, you never know what a man is truly made of until you peel the skin off his face one piece at a time. Here is your chance to help

There was a set of coordinates with a link back to that defaced poster. After entering them it removed a single pixel. Along with the hundreds of others plugging in coordinates as this site makes its way around to Bat-fans, a new images is slowly being revealed.
Whats under there? The first picture of The Joker? Harvey as Two Face? I have no idea, its still too blurry and scattered to tell.

Adding some guerrilla marketing to the mix, a comic store in Southern California found Joker playing cards scattered in their store with the scribbled message again saying “I Believe In Harvey Dent Too!” and all the HAHAHAs you’d expect from the Joker.

We’ve still got a full year and some months before the movie is released on July 18, 2008, but theres word we’ll see a short teaser trailer attached to a major movie this summer.

Fun Dark Knight Fact: Nestor Carbonell will play the Mayor of Gotham. He’s current seen weekly on TV as Dr Richard Alpert on LOST, but also played the Latino themed parody character Bat Manuel on the short lived “The Tick” live action series.

Starcraft 2 Post-Announcement Round Up

Starcraft 2 Logo

I can already feel my productivity slipping away as I read about all the details revealed at WWI for Starcraft 2. I’m going to do my best to summarize what I’ve read and I’ll list the sources at the bottom, but first watch these videos!

Details below.

[Read the rest of this entry…]


The worst kept secret in RTS is now common knowledge.

Moments ago at the Blizzard Worldwide Invitational in South Korea, the veteran PC developers announced StarCraft 2 as their next game. IGN is liveblogging the event. Official images and video are expected soon.

Its good to know Blizzard was only teasing. Some kind of update should be rolling onto Blizzard’s site soon. This news is perfectly timed as the next Powet Game Night will be the original StarCraft!

Heroes Season 1 to DVD and HD-DVD


According to SuperHeroHype, Universal Studio has announced Heroes’ first season will be making its DVD debut and high definition counterpart on August 28th. Each format will be packed with extras about the series. You can see all the details after the jump.

I know I’ll be keeping an eye out for this since the rest of the staff here has been hounding me to give it a view.

[Read the rest of this entry…]

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