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Archive for May, 2007:

Dark Knight in IMAX

Director Christopher Nolan has announced to USA Today that 4 major action scenes from The Dark Knight, the sequel to Batman Begins, will be filmed in 70mm IMAX film.

I know what you’re thinking: You saw Spider-Man 3, Pirates, Matrix, Star Wars and every other movie available in IMAX for years now. Well this is different, because those features were still shot on 35mm film and simply stretched. No additional detail was made available. By shooting the biggest parts of the movie in IMAX, Nolan will be able to give viewers a real experience you can’t duplicate in a smaller theater or at home.

Of course we don’t know all of what will be big as life in the movie, or how much of the final movie it will be, but Nolan did say the introduction of The Joker would be one of the IMAX scenes. The above image is a slide from that shoot, with two bank robbers wearing clown masks. One of them is the Joker, I’m sure.

Heavy Metal Fight

This video contains naughty language and jokes only Transformers fans will like.

“Heavy Metal Fight” features Optimus Prime preparing to fight Megatron One-on-One.

Dr Smoov has done some good Transformer spoofs in the past, which you can watch in our previous post.

[Read the rest of this entry…]

Star Wars: Clone Wars

Here’s the trailer for Lucasfilms’ new Clone Wars show. Yep.

Sure looks nice. I guess. Didn’t this show already come out? Oh yeah, it was way back in 2004. I notice some repeat sets, repeat characters, probably repeat events. I know George is fond of Special Editions but did he have to go and order a remake of the only good Star Wars to be commited to the screen this decade? Some 30th Anniversary!

Lost Classics: Legend of the Mystical Ninja (SNES)

mystical-ninja.JPGKnown in Japan as Ganbare Goemon, this fun little action game with RPG elements was released shortly after the Super Nintendo launch. Ganbare Goemon is a very popular franchise in Japan, although it’s mostly unknown here. Only four games in the series have been released over here, including this one. Players took control of Kid Ying and Dr. Yang (In 2-player games) as they travel Japan to rescue princess Yuki. Players can explore the town, buy equipment, and play minigames (including the first level of Gradius), then travel through 2-d platforming style levels in order to beat the area’s boss. There is a lot of humor in the game, although a lot of it was lost during the original translation. Even so, this is still an excellent game for all ages. It’s available on the virtual console now, so if you didn’t blow your points on Bonanza Brothers, then download this.

$20 Game of the Week: Taito Legends 2 (PS2)

taitolegends2.jpgA while ago, I featured this game’s predecessor. Empire interactive decided to bring this one over to the states, leaving the Xbox version in limbo. This game packs in over 1/3rd more contend than the previous Taito legends, and it takes a large number of games from the 90s. Along with some more remakes of Space invaders, the game contains a large number of beat-em-ups, platforming, and puzzle games. While Quix, Elevator Action 2, Arabian Magic, and Growl are some of the standouts on this disc, the real gem of this compilation is G Darius, a shooter utilizing polygon graphics. This compilation may not have very many big names, but like the previous entry, there is something for everyone on here, and for $20, you certainly won’t be disappointed.

Also of interest is Taito Legends powered up for PSP. It’s also $20 and may receive it’s own entry at some point.

Spider-Man 3 – Recap and Review

SpiderMan 3It’s been approximately three weeks since seeing Spider-Man 3 in theatres, and I figure by this time either you’ve seen the movie, or you don’t plan on seeing it. And now, with Pirates of the Caribbean 3 having come out this past Thursday and my own plans doing an eventual review of that, I should probably get to my previous priority of sharing my take of this movie. I’ve premeditated this more than I should have.

So of course, I had been wanting to see Spider-Man 3 for the longest damn time. As soon as I heard that that they were going to do the black costume story arc, and there was going to be at least an introduction of Venom into the scene, I got about as giddy as I possible could, which says a lot for me. Even after hearing that they were also going to be throwing Sandman in as a villain as well, I was deterred at all, because as I’m sure the rest figured as well, I was hoping this would just be and introduction into Venom story, and they’d actually debut him at the very end of the movie as a teaser, or they’d simply lead up to him showing up fully in a 4th movie. Everything was going to be fine, I assured myself.

[Read the rest of this entry…]

Guitar Hero III, Guitar Hero Encore Tracks

kramervanhalen.jpgWe’ve got not one, but TWO Guitar Hero sequels heading our way.

Guitar Hero Encore: Rocks The 80s will be out this summer and will be functionally identical to Guitar Hero II, just with an 80s theme. It will be released only to the PS2, but songs from the disc are likely to appear as downloadable content on Xbox Live for Xbox 360.

Guitar Hero III will hit PS2, PS3, Wii, and Xbox 360. The new guitar designs will be based on the Gibson Les Paul (my guitar!) and the Gibson Kramer (seen at left with celebrity endorsement)

Songs revealed so far after the break [Read the rest of this entry…]

LEGO Star Wars coming to PS3, Wii, DS, and Xbox 360

Theres not much more about these games that hasn’t been said by myself or aDam, but if you missed out on them, Lucasarts is compiling all the gameplay from both LEGO Star Wars games into one monster title called LEGO Star Wars The Complete Saga. They’re throwing in some new stuff of course, and the DS game is going to be new from the ground up (which is good because the port of LSW 2 didn’t go over so hot).

PS3 and Wii owners will of course be happy to get the games for the first time on their platforms, but XBox 360 players might feel slightly cheated. LSW 2 came out on the system only last year, and added download content from the prequel trilogy for a price. Oh well!

No release date or price yet, but it should be soon, and even at $60 its reasonable cost for the mountain of solid fun for all ages game play.

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