mechassault.jpgThe first big hit for Xbox Live was FASA studios console adaptation of their hugely successful MechWarrior PC titles. Now dubbed MechAssault, it helped define the kind of gameplay Xbox Live became known for.

I see Majesco has a title called “MechAssault: Shadow War” coming to the DS. Now before I get too far ahead of myself, Rare has licensed some of their owned titles to THQ for publication on GBA, so its not without precedent. I just find the timing a little odd. Microsoft has denied up and down they’re doing a portable system, and the development in Oragami helps prove that. MechAssault 2 also kinda tanked, but that doesn’t mean Microsoft should be giving up one of its best franchises exclusivity.

Release date is set for late June 2006, but a quick google search shows no results for screenshots, announcements, etc… just pre-order pages at a dozen retailers. Is this title dead or alive? Hard to say, but if MA:SW makes it to DS, it’ll make a dandy title for online support.