Keep Playing: Bioshock 2
by Adam, filed in Games, Keep Playing, Powet.TV Show on Mar.31, 2010
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by Adam, filed in Games, Keep Playing, Powet.TV Show on Mar.31, 2010
by FakeTrout, filed in Games, Keep Playing, Powet.TV Show on Mar.17, 2010
This game is kinda old by now, but I felt I should weight in on why is fun to shoot the same guy over and over with 50 slightly different guns.
I sure do appreciate your pressin’ play on the above video and sharing the link on your facebooks and tweeters.
by Crazy, filed in Uncategorized on Mar.14, 2010
Updated: The content has been restored!
It appears that last month, Activision closed down Luxoflux Studios. Luxoflux were the developers of the Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Game. As of the writing of this article, it appears that the downloadable content has been removed from the XBox Live Marketplace without notice and can no longer be purchased. I cannot verify if this is also the case on the Playstation Network.
The DLC was first made available August 27, 2009. That means it was available for less than 8 months before being pulled. The content featured 11 new playable characters, 3 new maps, a new expert difficulty level and all new achievements. We posted a trailer of the DLC here.
As a fan who only recently got an XBox 360 with this as his first game, you can imagine my disappointment that I now cannot have the chance to play this new content that I am more than willing to spend money on. Hopefully Activision can find a way to put the pack back up for a limited time for those who had not gotten it yet. [Read the rest of this entry…]
by FakeTrout, filed in Games on Mar.05, 2010
Xbox General Manager Mark Whitten announced via open letter to the community about some changes to the terms of use. Since the introduction of profiles for gamers using the service, certain words have been banned and anyone engaging in online play would not be permitted to identify their sexual orientation
Specifics have been added to the Code Of Conduct:
You may use the following terms to express your relationship orientation in your profile or Gamertag:
Other terms regarding relationship orientation are not allowed. In addition you may not use these terms or any other terms regarding relationship orientation to insult, harass, or any other pejorative use against other users.
Previously any gamer who identified themselves as straight or gay in their profiles would be in violation of terms of use and would be either forced to remove such terms or would be banned from the service.
Xbox Policy Manager Stephen Toulouse updated his twitter with “Special thanks to GLAAD and Microsoft’s LGBT community for guidance on the terms. If you try typing in any of the the approved terms into your profile, you should find they are not blocked. Let me know if you have problems”
So now you can be “out” and serve in Call of Duty or Battlefield Bad Company, unlike the real US Military. Here’s hoping the real world catches up with the video game world soon.
What do you think about the policy change? Leave a comment!
by FakeTrout, filed in Games on Mar.03, 2010
Taiwanese game site has leaked the official trailer for Bungie’s Halo Reach Multiplayer Beta. Powet has carefully copied and uploaded this video for your pleasure.
Theres some cool stuff in here, but the coolest by far are JETPACKS. Also see the new assassinations, a few new weapons, and some new game types. The trailer also confirms a May 3rd 2010 start date!
What are you looking forward to most in Reach? Leave a comment below! [Read the rest of this entry…]
by Sean "TheOrange" Corse, filed in Powetcast on Mar.02, 2010 curbs your buying habits. Mass Effect 2 curbs your romance options. Are you enthusiastic about the shakeup at DC Entertainment? Is this tease shameless punnery?
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by FakeTrout, filed in Games on Feb.26, 2010
Activision by way of GTTV on Spike has released footage of the next Transformers game. Looks like action gets pretty heavy with huge boss fights! Spot any favorite Generation One characters? Certainly looks like Ironhide doing that take down at about 1 minute in! A good mix of shooting and hand to hand combat will be key for this game, hopefully the promise of this trailer is realized when the game releases in May.
by FakeTrout, filed in Games on Feb.12, 2010
As they have done with their last 2 games, Bungie has begun a series of documentaries and preview videos showing the progress of their newest game.
Halo Reach footage shown here is very early, but shows promise. The game is expected to enter Beta Test in May, which can include any players who purchased their last title Halo 3: ODST, as an invitation will be available from the game’s title screen.
The above video is also available on Xbox Live in HD.
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