Line ups have been announced for the next 2 waves of Marvel Minimates.
Series 25
(New) Captain America & Red Skull
Red Hulk & Ska’ar
Iron Man & AIM Agent
VARIANT: “Bolt-Face” Iron Man & AIM Agent
Series 26
Wolverine & Deadpool
Gambit & Psylocke
Sabretooth & Skrull
VARIANT: First Appearance Sabretooth & Skrull
It was mentioned that there were going to be Army Builder figures in these waves, but I am extremely diappointed to see they won’t be packaged together. So if you want two 3 AIM Agents, you have to have 3 Iron Men. As if we didn’t have enough already. At least they aren’t packaged with Wolverine.

While not officially announced, there seems to be some control art (and pre-order pages) floating about the inter-tubes for the Terminator 2 license, prior to which was unknown to even be held by Diamond Select.
Images and News from the newly revamped Minimate Headquarters.