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Entries Tagged ‘The Hulk’:

$20 Game of the Week: Hulk – Ultimate Destruction (Xbox, Gamecube, PS2)

hud.jpgWe have a new Hulk movie coming out this summer, and Sega is supplying us the prerequisite tie-in game to go along with it. Here is hope that it’s good, but with the flop of the recent Iron Man game, Marvel fans may have to prepare for the worst. However, there is a bit of hope for it, as preliminary screens indicate that the game resembles this 2005 classic from Radical and Sierra. That can be considered somewhat of a good thing too, as Ultimate Destruction was the first really good Hulk game. It helped bring players into the role of the Hulk the same way that Activision’s Spider-man 2 video game did. It (along with Scarface:The World Is Yours which came a year later) also proved that Radical entertainment was adept of creating good open-world experiences that weren’t rip offs of Grand Theft Auto.

[Read the rest of this entry…]

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Hulk 2 Abomination First Look

Hulk 2 Abomination figure ad

I know. I know. Its not Hulk 2! Its the Incredible Hulk. Regardless of how you choose to refer to this movie, it appears some images have surfaced
of some of the toys from an ad. This ad brings us our first look at Abomination, the Hulk’s foil in the new movie starring Edward Norton as the Hulk’s alter-ego, Bruce Banner. Abomination, also known as Emil Blonsky, will be played by Tim Roth. Here is a picture of what Abomination is more traditionally known for looking, along with an image with more of the ad than just Abomination.
Hulk’s Abomination from the Comics Hulk 2 Abomination figure ad - full ad

Also released on Friday was the new teaser poster for the movie.

Incredible Hulk Teaser Poster (Hulk 2)

Abomination Source
Teaser Poster Source: Slashfilm

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First Incredible Hulk stills released

Incredible Hulk still post banner has the first stills from the upcoming feature film, The Incredible Hulk. Edward Norton stars as Bruce Banner. The film has a release date of June 13, 2008.
The Incredible Hulk still 01 The Incredible Hulk still 02

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Marvel Legends Hulk wave rumors

Hasbro Marvel Legends Hulk Wave 1 Red King

Several sites are reporting rumors that there is a high potential for at least two Hulk waves of Marvel Legends figures. It sounds similar to the forthcoming Spider-man 3 and Fantastic Four waves that are actually not part of the main Marvel Legends line, but will be complementary to it. Pictures have surfaced of the purported first wave along with a lineup of the second wave.

Wave 1:

  • King Hulk (from Planet Hulk)
  • Son of Hulk
  • Doc Samson
  • Red King
  • Valkyrie
  • Ed McGuiness Hulk

Hasbro Marvel Legends Hulk Wave 1 Doc Samson Hasbro Marvel Legends Hulk Wave 1 Ed McGuiness Hulk Hasbro Marvel Legends Hulk Wave 1 Red King Hasbro Marvel Legends Hulk Wave 1 Planet Hulk Hasbro Marvel Legends Hulk Wave 1 Son of Hulk Hasbro Marvel Legends Hulk Wave 1 Valkyrie

Wave 2:

  • Wendigo
  • Absorbing Man
  • Bi-Beast
  • Classic She-Hulk
  • Grey Hulk
  • Hulk: The End

Looking at the pictures, the figures look pretty decent with Marvel Legends style articulation. As far as the lineup goes, I would have much preferred to see more of the Hulk’s warbound from Planet Hulk/World War Hulk than multiple versions of the Hulk himself. Also in the rumor mill is a Build A Figure of Fin Fang Foom for one of these waves. Keep in mind though, neither of these waves have ever been confirmed or announced. I know I’ve heard this rumor before though and I’m pretty sure I’ve, at the very least, seen that Doc Samson picture before.

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Lost Classics: Marvel Super Heroes (Arcade, Playstation, Saturn)

marvelsuperheroes.gifShortly after the fighting game X-men Children of the Atom, Capcom wasted no time in putting out more games featuring Marvel’s pantheon of super heroes. This game in particular is one of the more slept-on Capcom fighters (although not to the degree of Project Justice and Tech Romancer). Taking control of one of six Marvel heroes (Spider-man, Hulk, Iron Man, Captain America, Wolverine, Psylocke) or one of six villains (Shuma Gorath, Blackheart, Juggernaut, Magneto, and Thanos and Dr Doom via use of a code), you must fight your way up the ladder to meet Thanos in a plot loosely based on 1992’s Infinity Gauntlet storyline.

The game play is similar to most other Capcom fighters, with six attack buttons, three for punches, three for kicks, each differing in speed in power. Special moves are done via quarter and half circle motions, as well as charging. However, since these are superheroes, don’t expect your garden-variety martial-arts maneuvers like in street fighter. Your fighter can jump up to several feet high, ‘normal’ attacks fire projectiles, special attacks can cause serious damage, and super moves take up the entire screen. It’s not as zany as in Darkstalkers, but you’re still not gonna see any of these moves in the next Street Fighter game. The main difference that sets this game apart from other Capcom fighters, although it isn’t much, is the addition of the Infinity Gems. They appear throughout the match, and grant your character special powers when you use them. Of course this regulates multiplayer games into bouts of “who can get to the gems the fastest” although an experienced player can destroy any newbie player who plays in that manner.

This game is often overlooked due to the fact that at the time of it’s release, it was just one of many 2-d fighting games. However, it was a Capcom fighter. Moreover, it was a good game based on a Marvel property. Capcom of course went on to use the engine to produce several more Capcom fighters, most important of which being the Marvel Vs Capcom games. This is still a good game to check out if you run across the arcade cabinet, even better if you can find a copy of any of the home ports. Also of interest is the SNES spin-off “War of the Gems”, which is a side scrolling beat-em-up in the vein of Capcom’s “X-men Mutant Apocalypse”.

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Comics on Film

Spectacular Spider-Man

Spectacular Spider-ManKidsWB released a promo image for the Spider-Man cartoon debuting this fall. The show was previously going to be called The Amazing Spider-Man, but with the Spidey comic line getting stripped down to that one title, the cartoon’s name was just changed to Spectacular Spider-Man. I imagine there’ll be a comic book tie-in to the show of the same name, which would explain the change of the show’s name. Not like they’re about to change the book’s name, right?

Also, Wizard took a bunch of pictures at the New York Licensing Show which – while it doesn’t sound very interesting – resulted in some impressive shots. We’ve got a select few mirrored below – and be sure to keep an eye out for an old Amazing Spider-Man cartoon poster:

The BatPod The BatPod Doctor Who
The Incredible Hulk Iron Man
Bumblebee - Movie Optimus Prime - Movie Where The Wild Things Are

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Marvel Zombie Minimates get ahead

Minimates Marvel Zombies Post Banner

Haha! I made a punny title.

…er, anyway, DST and Art Asylum…actually, DST just acquired Art Asylum, so just DST…will be offering a box set of Marvel Minimates based on the highly popular Marvel Zombies series. The set will feature Colonel America, Spider-man, Hulk, Luke Cage, Wolverine and finally revealed, the disembodied head of Zombie Wasp. These figures are due for release in late September and the set should retail for about US$19.99.

Minimates Marvel Zombies Wave 1
Minimates Marvel Zombies Spiderman with Zombie Wasp head

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Tim Roth Cast as Abomination in The Incredible Hulk

The Abomination
Tim RothWith Ed Norton cast as Bruce Banner, and Liv Tyler cast as Betty Ross, looks like it’s time to start casting the bad guys – And Tim Roth has been cast as The Abomination, longtime enemy of The Hulk.

The story of the Abomination – at least in the comics – is that of a former KGB spy named Emil Blonsky who becomes exposed to Gamma Radiation (the same radiation responsible for the Hulk’s powers). However, instead of transforming back and forth like Banner does, Blonsky becomes permanently trapped in his hideous, mutated form, and he retains the same level as intelligence as always. You can try to track down the semi-recent retelling of his history in the Incredible Hulk: Destruction miniseries by Peter David, but as it’s not collected in a trade yet, good luck to you on that.

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