Tomopop was on location at C2E2 this past weekend and got some nice shots of upcoming minimates based on the Marvel vs Capcom 3 game. Included in some of the images were Deadpool, Super Skrull, Dormammu, C. Viper, Morrigan and more. I did not see any accompanying information regarding release or assortment pack outs for the figures. Design sheets for these new figures leaked just before Valentine’s Day. Those can be seen here. It looks like many of the Marvel characters will be leveraging existing tooling, while most of the Capcom characters are getting the full treatment including Amaterasu!
At this year’s PAX I decided to cross play as Chun-Li and the reception was pretty excellent. A Penny Arcade strip even mentioned a “Grown-ass man cosplaying as Chun-Li” though it’s debatable if this was a reference to me or not. More on that later…
My costume wasn’t great. It was put together for this video review of the not so great movie “Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li”. What it did do of course is show a LOT of leg. And by a lot of leg I mean some leg and some ass and maybe some balls. More details on my adventures at the con and my confrontation with my rival “Beard-Li” will be featured in an upcoming video. For now here’s a little overview of some highlights with photos and links to various places on the Internet where I’ve popped up.
It looks like two more characters are entering the fray. No stranger to the Marvel vs Capcom franchise, Akuma will be an unlockable player at 2000 Player Points (which is said to be about a single play through of the Arcade mode). Newcomer Taskmaster will also be an unlockable player at 8000 Player Points. Taskmaster is a Marvel comics character that has the ability to duplicate the fighting style of anyone he has ever watched or fought.
Supposedly there are still two more characters we have not seen yet. Feel free to speculate in the comments!
by FakeTrout, filed in Games, SDCC on Jul.24, 2010
Capcom takes on all comers. First they pitted their Street Fighters against X-Men, then the entire Marvel Universe, rival developer SNK, and finally Tatsunoko anime stars. Who’s next?
Never stepping away from a challenge, Street Fighter producer Yoshinori Ono was approached by Tekken producer Katsuhiro Harada live at ComiCon, and sure enough they had a new tag team game ready to demo. Ryu and Chun Li from Street Fighter against Kazuya Mishima and Nina Williams of Tekken! The game will be in 2D, similar to the Street Fighter IV and developed by Capcom. Ono-san says its early in development, so we’ll have to keep playing SFIV and then Marvel VS Capcom 3 before we’ll get our hands on the new game, titled “Street Fighter x Tekken.”
Tekken Die-hards will be pleased to know a 3D game similar to Tekken 6 is also in production called Tekken x Street Fighter at Namco.
Chun-Li, Trish, Super Skrull and Dr. Doom make their Marvel vs Capcom 3 debut in this trailer that surfaced today.
Discuss Marvel vs Capcom 3 on our forums here. has posted the very first screenshots from gameplay of the forthcoming and highly anticipated Marvel vs Capcom 3. The screenshots even have some added commentary mostly explaining that they wanted this to feel like a moving comic book and many of the effects are a result of that. Check out the link for all the original commentary or look at the screenshots after the jump and let us know you think!