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Entries Tagged ‘Sailor Moon’:

Sailor Moon: La Luna Splende DS game screenshots

Sailor Moon DS Game La Luna Splende Screenshots
Some screenshots have surfaced from the “Sailor Moon: La Luna Splende” Nintendo DS game which we previously reported will be released in Italy this Spring.

Sailor Moon DS Game La Luna Splende Screenshot Sailor Mars and a Bat

Sailor Mars and a Bat

We can only guess as to just how this game will play out but it looks like a classic side scroller kind of game not completely unlike the Sailor Moon S game for the Sega Game Gear.

Sailor Moon DS Game La Luna Splende Screenshot Sailor Moon vs. Lord Kaspar

Sailor Moon vs. Lord Kaspar

We see a “Sailor … vs. Lord Kaspar” screenshot for each of the five girls. Is this a screen showing for a boss battle? Maybe something for a one on one mode? Kaspar would be the Italian name for Kunzite or Malachite as he’s known in the dub. One nice thing seems to be that we shouldn’t need to put up with too much Italian text in this game from what we can see.

Sailor Moon DS Game La Luna Splende Screenshot Sailor Jupiter fighting Kunzite

Sailor Jupiter fighting Kunzite

Keep reading for the rest of the 16 screenshots from this very promising game.

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Italian Sailor Moon DS game coming this Spring

Usagi playing the Sailor V arcade game

As part of the current Sailor Moon revival going on in Italy there will be a new Sailor Moon game for the Nintendo DS this Spring! Fans have speculated about this game for some time but some substantial information, including box art, is now available.

Sailor Moon - La Luna Splende Italian Nintendo DS box art

Namco Bandai games Europe has announced (English translation) this new game which will be called “Sailor Moon: La Luna Splende” or “Sailor Moon: The Shining Moon”.

Players will be able to play as either of the five girls, Sailor Moon, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Mars, Sailor Jupiter or Sailor Venus, with the help of Tuxedo Mask. Naru (known as Molly in the dub) has fallen into a deep sleep caused by magic and the girls must enter her dreams to rescue her. Players will go through three worlds, “Jewel Palace”, “Mystery Castle” and “Flower Garden”, each of which will have 20 to 30 stages. Naru is certainly no stranger to sleep. She spends a good part of the first season being put to sleep by one enemy or another.

Naru falling asleep in classNaru sleeping at school

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New Sailor Moon Show from Hong Kong Looks Horrible

Chinese Sailor Moon Show

Update: reports that this is a commercial for reruns of the old Sailor Moon anime from 1992. This information is confirmed by a Chinese fan who offers a translation of the commercial.

I wish this was a joke. At this point, I’m not sure what to believe, but basically this trailer for a new Sailor Moon show in Hong Kong popped up on YouTube today. I had not heard anything about this show until then. In an attempt to verify this was real I went to the web site listed at the end of the commercial to check out their schedule. Checking every day at 6 I found that Friday, August 13th, at 6pm is listed “?????” or, as that translates to English, Sailor Moon. The show is not listed as having played this past Friday, so it looks like this Friday will be the premiere!

It just looks so horrible. The girl playing Sailor Mars is completely obese. The actresses appear to change when transforming. I wonder is this even an official show or some kind of cheap knockoff? The music in the video is from the Sailor Moon anime, but that doesn’t mean much. After such an amazing live action Japanese show a few years a back a show would have to be pretty amazing to top it, and this show does not appear to be at any risk of doing that. will be keeping you posted on more information about this horrible looking show as it becomes available. Leave a comment and let us know if you think this show will be bad, horrible or downright unwatchable.

Sailor Moon Transforming

Sailor Moon Transforming

Worst Rei Ever

Worst Rei Ever

This Dashing Fellow is Tuxedo Mask

This Dashing Fellow is Tuxedo Mask

Source: Moonie Addict via Senshi from the Genvid Forums

Check out more horrible pictures below:
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S is for Sailor Moon

Since the alphabet is the building block of our language, the Powet Alphabet is the building block of what makes us geeks.

Sailor Moon is not a building block of what makes me a geek. It’s the whole building, and whatever else makes me a geek is maybe a broom closet in that building. I first caught Sailor Moon on TV at age 17 back in 1995 when it was dubbed and playing about a billion times a week up here in Canada. This began my love affair with anime. People would tell me that Sailor Moon was a great gateway anime, and that when they would watch other stuff they would realize that it was only the beginning. Well that never happened for me. I’ve watched a lot of anime in my life, but I’ve just never seen anything that measured up to Sailor Moon. To me it is, without question, the greatest story ever told. So bear with me as I talk about that one element of geek culture that I truly have an unparalleled passion for.

Rei, Usagi and Ami having ice cream

I’ll be giving a full franchise overview for those not intimately familiar with Sailor Moon, but I’ll also try to thrown in some rare content that some hardcore fans will hopefully not have seen before.

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3 Comments at Otakon 2008 at Otakon 2008
A number of members have been attending Otakon for a few years. What follows was at some point intended to be some kind of comprehensive overview of the con, but it should be immediately obvious that we weren’t able to follow through with such an ambitious goal.

Enjoy the trannies, furrie, LARPers, and some even seedier perversions that plague the geek community attending a standard convention. All things considered, the simple act of Cosplaying really isn’t that weird at all.

To be eligible for the contest to win the Yaoi book mentioned in the above video, please leave your relevant comment to this blog post in the next month.

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Sailor Moon Panels at Otakon 2008

Otakon 2008 - Sailor Moon Panels Banner

This year’s Otakon had a great Sailor Moon showing with 2 fan panels lead by Lilly-chan. One was for “Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon”, the live action series from a few years ago, and the other was for Naoko Takeuchi, the creator of the Sailor Moon manga, among other things.

I was asked to record both videos to share with the Sailor Moon fan community over at Genvid.

Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Fan Panel:

Panel features Lilly-chan, Yoshinex and Sakura with Kungpow and Moon Jump doing the game demo.

Naoko Takeuchi Fan Panel:

Panel features Kungpow, Lilly-chan, Yoshinex and Moon Jump.

Also at this year’s convention were two Sailor Moon animators Kazuko Tadano and Hiromi Matsushita who did a great panel but my camera ate the footage.

Links to various pages mentioned in the two videos appear below.

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Sailor Moon Animators to be guests at Otakon 2008

Sailor Moon - Hiromi Matsuno and Kazuko Tadashita
Sailor Moon - Hiromi Matsuno and Kazuko TadashitaGreat news for Sailor Moon fans hoping to attend Otakon 2008 this August 8th to 10th in Baltimore. Two Sailor Moon animation directors, Kazuko Tadano and Hiromi Matsushita will be appearing as guests. They both acted as animators for a number of Sailor Moon episodes, and were even featured as characters in one episode.

Sailor Moon - Hiromi MatsunoFans will remember episode 21 “Protect the Children’s Dreams! Friendship Linked by Anime” or “An Animated Mess” as it was known in English. The episode takes place in an animation studio, and centers around the characters of Hiromi Matsuno and Kazuko Tadashita, references to Hiromi Matsushita and Kazuko Tadano. No doubt the parts about them being targeted by the villainous Nephrite and being turned into the monsters Castor and Pollux of the Gemini constellation were slightly exaggerated.

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Sailor Moon Dominates Popularity Contest

Sailor Moon
Last week the animation company Toei conducted a poll through the Anime News Network asking “Which of the following Toei titles would you be interested on viewing by Video on Demand?” and despite there being nearly 50 options in the poll Sailor Moon came out on top with an astounding 63.7% of users, that being 2535 people, voting for it. Keep in mind that users could still vote for more than one show at a time but this still made Sailor Moon the clear winner of the pool with more votes than any other.

Thanks to Sailor Moon fan site Genvid‘s users and staff for bringing this poll to the attention of fans and voting in it. That being said this is not simply a case of a web site ganging up and swaying the results of a poll. Sailor Moon was well ahead of the game when this poll was first noticed by fans.

Without a doubt this shows that there is clear interest in the anime fan community in Sailor Moon, despite the show no longer being licensed in the international market. The results of this poll are to be taken into consideration when releasing shows on demand for cable and IPTV.

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