by Sean "TheOrange" Corse, filed in Movies, Powetcast on Dec.08, 2009
Social networking has changed the way some companies approach gaming. For some, it enhances the experience. For others, it’s the entire point of the experience. Does integrating gaming with social network make either one better?
A reminder to all collectors. Today, at 12:00 Noon EST, will have some new items up for sale. The monthly Masters of the Universe figure, Scareglow, will be up for sale. Yes, he glows in the dark. Also up for sale is the reissue He-Man figure and the DC Universe Classics “Color of Fear” 2-pack featuring Yellow lanterns; Romat-Ru and Karu-Sil.
Just a friendly reminder to He-man/Masters of the Universe (MOTU) collectors, MOTU Classics Teela goes on sale today on at 12:00 EST (noon)!
She comes loaded with accessories including Zoar the Falcon, a sword, shield, the snake headdress (extra head) and staff.
Just a friendly reminder to He-man/Masters of the Universe (MOTU) collectors, MOTU Classics Webstor goes on sale today on at 12:00 EST (noon)!
Just a reminder to He-Man/Masters of the Universe fans, Tri-Klops will go on sale today at 12 noon EST. He can be ordered at
He will come with:
* Secret glow-in-the-dark Warrior’s Ring with opening top
* Assassin sword
* Doomseeker with stand
He is sure to sell out quickly, so get him while you can!
This is the first in a short series of articles covering a number of serious missteps that Mattel has made concerning some of their top properties.
Today I wanted to take a look at the Masters of the Universe Classics (MOTUC) Club Eternia 2010 Subscription. First let me explain what this subscription is.
Currently, once a month, at noon, a MOTUC figure goes up for sale on Most months, the figure has sold in about one hour, despite continually increased production numbers. This has angered many fans of the line because of the inconvenient time of day to order and the inability of Mattel to ensure better availability. [Read the rest of this entry…]
Sometimes we get to be so awesome that we run over time. Since we’re committed to making these podcasts shorter and more cohesive, sometimes things just fall by the wayside. Sometimes those things are so awesome that we still want you to hear them, hence “Mermans in SPACE.”
So here are some extra bits from last episode to tide you over until episode 9 tomorrow!