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Exclusive slipcase for MYP He-Man DVD release

MYP MOTU Post Banner

BCI has created an exclusive slipcase for the Mike Young Productions’ Masters of the Universe DVDs. The slipcase will come with the first volume as a Best Buy exclusive and be able to hold all three forthcoming volumes. The spine of the slipcase will continue the mural created across the spines of the classic He-Man, New Adventures of He-man and She-Ra Princess of Power DVD sets. Thus, of course, causing my OCD to kick in and make me finish off my Princess Of Power DVDs so there are no gaps in my DVD spine mural.

MYP MOTU DVD Best Buy Exclusive Slipcase Back MYP MOTU DVD Best Buy Exclusive Slipcase Front

Remember the first volume is set to be released on February 19th. You can see details here.

You can pre-order it here if you don’t care about the exclusive slipcase. If you do care about the slipcase, then you will only be able to find that at Best Buy.


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He-Man and the MOTU (2002) series Volume 1 DVD details

MYP MOTU Post Banner

At last!

Some hard details have been posted about the forthcoming DVD release of Mike Young Productions’ reincarnation of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe.

Volume 1 is already up for pre-order on Amazon here.

The nitty gritty is after the jump. Enjoy!

But first, Box Art!

MYP MOTU DVD Volume 1 Box Art MYP MOTU DVD Volume 1 Box Art Front

[Read the rest of this entry…]

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Mike Young Productions’ relaunched MOTU DVD news

MOTU MYP 200x Series DVD release ad Post Banner

Mike Young Productions’ relaunched He-Man and the Masters of the Universe property is coming to DVD. As previously reported, BCI Eclipse will be handling it. Mattel has loads of material to contribute for special features. reports: reports that the first DVD set of the 2002 Mike Young Productions’ “He-Man and the Masters of the Universe” could see a February 2008 release. The series would be split over 3 sets, each containing 13 episodes in anamorphic widescreen presentation.

Early advertisements for the set have already made their way to the public. You can see one on the inside cover of Agent DVD Magazine, which I have conveniently take a screen capture of seen below. also mentions that there is more than likely going to be a Blu-Ray release of the set because there was a marked improvement in quality. A HD-DVD release is also in discussion at the moment.

MOTU MYP 200x Series DVD release ad

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AFX gets exclusive MOTU Staction villain 2-pack

MOTU Staction AFX Exclusive Villain 2 Pack Post Banner

Action Figure Xpress will be offering an exclusive 2-pack of Masters of the Universe stactions (static action figures). The exclusive includes a hoodless Kobra Khan, one of the infamous snakemen and a new version of Faker, Skeletor’s evil robotic ‘impostor’ of He-Man. Faker looks like he may be a repaint of the recent SDCC exclusive classic colors He-man including the classic sword with a repainted or resculpted chest piece from Skeletor.


MOTU Staction AFX Exclusive Villain 2 Pack Back MOTU Staction AFX Exclusive Villain 2 Pack Front


MOTU Staction AFX Exclusive Villain 2 Pack Kobra Khan 1 MOTU Staction AFX Exclusive Villain 2 Pack Kobra Khan 2 MOTU Staction AFX Exclusive Villain 2 Pack Kobra Khan 3

MOTU Staction AFX Exclusive Villain 2 Pack Faker 1 MOTU Staction AFX Exclusive Villain 2 Pack Faker 2

News came by way of via the announcement made by NECA. These items are not yet up for pre-order, but I imagine they’ll be up soon.

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Masters of the Universe comic strip

MOTU comic strip Post Banner

American Comic Strip blog, Stripper’s Guide, has up a post on a Masters of the Universe comic strip that was published for just shy of a year from July 1986 through June 1987. There was apparently both a daily strip and a weekly Sunday strip. Alan Holtz, the Stripper’s Guide blogger, is clearly not much of a He-Man fan, but did some research and found little to no information on this strip from fan sites or the like after some extensive googling. As a casual, He-Man fan, this is the first I have heard of any such strip and would love to see it in its entirety if it can be found.

If you know anything about this strip or have anything to add, post in the comments. We’d love to hear what you know.

MOTU comic strip 1 MOTU comic strip

Source: Blogs@Newsarama


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Mattel SDCC 2007 He-Man panel reveals nothing

He-Man 2002 post banner

After waiting day after day for any type of recap as to what went on and what was announced at the Mattel He-man panel at SDCC 2007, finally came out of its slumber to post a recap. I had little luck finding any information on the panel prior to this posting including in several different forums, forums included.

The basic rundown is that nothing was announced that we didn’t already know. There is a movie in the works, but no details to report. They wouldn’t even say if it was definitely a live action, cgi, or animated. They could only posture and say that it was looking like it would most likely be live action.

The DVD news we were all waiting for eagerly? All they divulged was that they are working out the details and will have more to report when all is finalized. Any sort of details of substance that are currently floating around seem to originate from the BCI representative that posts on the forums. He mentioned a widescreen format and a couple of other small tidbits, but most of the real details that everyone wants to know about are really still being worked out.

Continue reading for the actual rundown of the panel as posted by

[Read the rest of this entry…]

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Mike Young Productions’ Masters of the Universe coming to DVD

He-Man 2002 post banner

At long last, He-Fans will be treated to the relaunched series from 2002 in DVD format. Details are scarce, but most of the details will be announced at SDCC 2007 later this month.


On Saturday, July 28th – from 2:30pm to 3:30pm – in Room 10.
Masters of the Universe DVD release! At long last the popular 2002 MOTU animated series is coming to DVD! Come help celebrate this release with a special screening of episode 35 –The Power of Grayskull and learn the secret origin of the most Powerful Man in the Universe- HE-MAN! Q&A with Mattel toy designers to follow.

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MOTU Staction Wave 6 Revealed and SDCC variant

MOTU Staction Battle Armor He-man Post Banner

While we’ve known about the SDCC exclusive for about a month now and we had a teaser of Jitsu, we finally get our first peek at the next wave of mini-statues for the Masters of the Universe line. Sculpted by the Four Horsemen and produced by NECA, this wave features Battle-Armor He-man, Mosquitor, and Jitsu. This keeps with the theme of doing one character from 3 of the 4 factions in each wave. (The Masters, Skeletor’s Council of Evil, Hordak’s Horde, and the Snakemen)

The representative from the Maters is a surprisingly good looking He-man mini-statue featuring the battle-armor based on one of the more popular gimmicked he-man figures.

MOTU Staction Wave 6 Battle Armor He-man 1 MOTU Staction Wave 6 Battle Armor He-man 2

Representing Skeletor’s Council of Evil is Jitsu. This master of the martial arts features an over-sized mechanical hand making him the perfect foil to Fisto.

MOTU Staction Wave 6 Jitsu 1 MOTU Staction Wave 6 Jitsu 2

Mosquitor represents the Horde. The original figure was a lot of fun and this really captures that.

MOTU Staction Wave 6 Mosquitor 1 MOTU Staction Wave 6 Mosquitor 2

As for the SDCC exclusive from the Four Horsemen and NECA this year for the MOTU property, we will be seeing a classics colors He-man, apparently using the same base mold that the Battle Armor He-man staction is made from. I’m actually far more interested in the Battle Armor He-man, but this makes a nice addition to the line considering there wasn’t a He-man figure until this wave (which is a good thing!). You’ll also note that he is holding the classic version of the power sword.

MOTU Staction SDCC 2007 Exclusive Classic Colors He-Man 1 MOTU Staction SDCC 2007 Exclusive Classic Colors He-Man 2 MOTU Staction SDCC 2007 Exclusive Classic Colors He-Man 3

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