Exclusive slipcase for MYP He-Man DVD release
by Crazy, filed in TV on Jan.23, 2008

BCI has created an exclusive slipcase for the Mike Young Productions’ Masters of the Universe DVDs. The slipcase will come with the first volume as a Best Buy exclusive and be able to hold all three forthcoming volumes. The spine of the slipcase will continue the mural created across the spines of the classic He-Man, New Adventures of He-man and She-Ra Princess of Power DVD sets. Thus, of course, causing my OCD to kick in and make me finish off my Princess Of Power DVDs so there are no gaps in my DVD spine mural.

Remember the first volume is set to be released on February 19th. You can see details here.
You can pre-order it here if you don’t care about the exclusive slipcase. If you do care about the slipcase, then you will only be able to find that at Best Buy.
Source: He-man.org