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E3: Nintendo and Square-Enix

Click here to see project releases for upcoming Wii U and 3DS titles.

Click here to see project releases for upcoming Wii U and 3DS titles.

Tuesday morning, Nintendo held its E3 digital presentation. Things were a bit underwhelming on the Wii U side (as they were likely preparing for the NX), but they went deeper into some of the newer things they were planning to release throughout the next several months. Square-Enix also had their press conference later that afternoon. While they showed more of what we had seen during the Sony and Microsoft conferences, they went deeper into what they have panned for gamers, and they also showed off a few new titles.
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Famicom Dojo Podcast: Nintendo Wins E3

Famicom Dojo Podcast 098: Nintendo Wins E3

It’s amazing how things looked a year ago, with Nintendo all but left for dead by the gaming press. Now, with a much-needed lift by Mario Kart 8 and a killer showing at E3, Nintendo looks like it might earn the title of number one console (in Japan) — and not just because the PS4 is selling so poorly there. And perhaps do better in America too. Whatever works. Sean and Vinnk skip Future Retro and Pile of Shame to dedicate the entire episode to E3 reactions. And maybe pepper that stuff throughout the show anyway. You better believe we won’t be letting Ubisoft off lightly, either.

iTunes Chicklet

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