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LEGO Batman coming to consoles next

legobatman.jpgTraveller’s Tales, developers of the great pick-up-and-play platformers LEGO Star Wars have revealed their newest game to CVG.

LEGO Batman will taked DC’s famed Caped Crusader to new block shaped heights no doubt. I certainly hope we get all the body and character swapping fun from LSW, and the option to build and modify Bat vehicles. No solid details are known, but given how well the first game in the series handled, one can only hope. Whats next? LEGO has a lot of licenses, and also a lot of original properties. I’d go for any LEGO Pirate or Space game, personally.

On a semi-related note, a couple years ago the The Digital Animation & Visual Effects School project was to create a Batman short film called “Batman: New Times” featuring CG models based on Art Asylum’s Batman Minimates, which is a hardy derivitive of the LEGO style. Adam West reprises his role as Batman/Bruce Wayne, and Mark Hammill is the Joker. Its a nifty film, and worth a watch if you’ve never seen it before.

To check out the LEGO Batman toys, here’s the official site.

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LEGO Predaking!

legopredaking.jpgOnce in a great while a cool thing goes up for auction you can’t ignore. Take this Custom LEGO Predaking on eBay for instance. Not only does it look great, it can even seperate into the component Predacons.
The talented builder also has a full gallery of his creation.
Thanks Ernie!

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