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Entries Tagged ‘Halo’:

$20 GOTW/Lost Classics: Marathon (XBOX 360, PC, MAC, Linux)

bungiemarathon.jpgBefore Bungie jumped through Halos with Microsoft, they ran the Marathon on Macintosh. Even before creating the instant Xbox seller, Bungie was innovating the first person shooter. Released in 1994, the first installment of the series introduced complex storytelling. Later installments would involve time travel, alternate universes, and Artificial Intelligences going insane. With Halo 3 hitting stores next month, now is a good of a time as any to take a look at Bungie’s other FPS series.

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The Week in Xbox

It’s been a big week for Microsoft’s Xbox 360 console. Between all the price drops, new models, and updates it may be difficult to keep track of all that’s happening in the world of Xbox. That’s why we at Powet have put together this Xbox 360 Week in Review to keep you guys up-to-date on everybody’s favorite concave & rectangular next-generation gaming device.

Read on for more.
[Read the rest of this entry…]

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Halo 3: 4 Player Online Co-Op Confirmed

Master Chief is, as ever, mankind’s last hope. But with the Sangheili race no longer part of the Covenant, the Elites have a stake in the battle too. So with this back story in mind, Bungie Studios announced today that 4 players will be ale to finish the fight on September 25th.
Player One will control the Master Chief Petty Officer Spartan 117, the protagonist from the first 2 Halo games. Player 2 will play as The Arbiter, the Covenant Elite disgraced after his unit’s defeat on Halo and then joined he battle with the Sgt Johnson in Halo 2. Players 3 and 4 will be new characters N’tho ‘Sraom and Usze ‘Taham, two new Sangheili fighters. Bungie promises they will control the same and none of the 4 will offer an ability over the others, though start weapons will vary in story missions.

Read more at Bungie: The Tru7h About Co-Op in Halo 3

Thanks to Sparkstalker for the heads up.

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A Real UNSC Warthog From Halo

In Bungie’s Weekly Update reveals WETA’s work on the in-limbo Halo movie was not in vain, and that future short films promoting Halo 3 will be more awesome.
You see, they built a full size, fully operational Warthog. Favored vehicle of Orbital Drop Shock Troopers and Spartan Mark Vs alike, this sage green beauty is actually tearing ass all overthe beautiful rolling hills of New Zealand.

I don’t suppose than chain gun works, but if this is even close to the 4 wheel drive/4 wheel steering of the Halo original, its gotta be a blast.

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Halo 3 New E3 Trailers, Spartan Xbox Too!

Yes, Trailerz.

First up, a live action promo shot by Neil Blomkamp and WETA, the team that would’ve been making the Halo movie by now had Fox not dropped out. Orbital Drop Shock Troopers suit up, and the factories ramp up production on war hardware.

Now the gameplay trailer. The Covenant have invaded Earth, Chief and The Arbiter must work together to stop them and save Cortana from the Flood.

[Read the rest of this entry…]

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Halo 3 Box Art Released

Halo 3 ArtJust a quick little weekend update for your gaming cravings. Bungie Entertainment and Microsoft have released the official box art for the highly anticipated Halo 3 game, slated for release in September. Ravenous fanboys can breath a sign of relief now, for gazing upon it’s cover is the next step between now and the game hitting the shelves. Master Chief, we salute thee.

It may be just me, but for such a highly waited-for game that fanboys have been drooling over since Halo 2 came out, the cover art seems a wee bit….anticlimatic to me. Of course, that’s just me, and I’m just a silly gamer girl who doesn’t know quality, right?

The rest of you can continue salivating now.

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Halo 3 Release Date Revealed!

Halo 3Well kids, looks like your anxious waiting and thumb-twiddling has come to an end. Microsoft has confirmed that Halo 3 will be released with a date of September 25th of this coming fall for North America. Europe will have to wait an extra day. Sorry Euros.

This announcement comes mere hours before the official beta release of the game early tomorrow morning. Three editions have also been said to be made – the regular edition for normal price, the Limited Edition for $10 more, and the uber Legendary Edition for the ungodly price of $129.99 – all of which can now be pre-ordered. So save up, all you Master Chief wannabees. Despite the fact you’ll still be waiting a decent chunk of time, this should still prove to be an interesting trip. Finish The Fight: September 25

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Halo 3 Beta Video: Spartan Laser In Action

This is the last Halo 3 Beta video I’ll ever post here. It opens up in less than a week and then we’ll overrun with clever videos and the urgency will be gone.
That said, I am posting this one because its the best look I’ve seen at the 3 Beta maps and a really great look at not only the portable jump pad but also the Spartan Laser. Can’t wait to see if this dispaces the Rocket Launcher as the Anti-Vehicle weapon of choice.

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