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Entries Tagged ‘Free to Play’:

Rumor: Battleborn to go Free to Play soon

Battleborn is a multiplayer shooter developed by Gearbox (Borderlands, Duke Nukem Forever) and released by 2K games this past way. It received rave reviews thanks to its quirky cast of characters, varied hero mechanics, and kick ass 80s-cartoon style intro as seen above. Unfortunately Blizzard’s Overwatch hit later that month, and now Battleborn is known as that “Other new multiplayer shooter”. Even so, Gearbox has been releasing new content for the game, such as new maps, heroes, and single player missions. However, an anonymous source reported to Kotaku that Gearbox is considering making Battleborn free to play. Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchfork denied these claims, instead saying that the company plans to release a ‘trial version’ which will allow players to purchase the full game and DLC (which kinda sounds like f2p to me). If it did, it wouldn’t be the worst idea in the world. This past summer, 2k’s Evolve went f2p and saw its Steam user base increase by the thousands. Battleborn is a great shooter which would use a similar shot in the arm, even if it isn’t free to play.

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Famicom Dojo Podcast: Free 2 Play

Famicom Dojo Podcast 84: Free 2 Play

Phil Bond on the subject of f2p gaming: “When you make a game where paying any money whatsoever feels like cheating, that has to be a mistake — right?” Or, as Vinnk puts it, you can pay to play more, or pay to play less. Sometimes both in the same game. Just don’t say that Nintendo should follow this model, or… we’ll say something not nice, or something. Vinnk and Sean trade stories of their particular Free-2-Play addictions (Puzzles and Dragons, and Candy Crush, respectively), and their guilt over never paying any money for these games, leaving it to “whales” to support the entire system. And Vinnk may have inadvertently made his daughter into a gold farmer.

iTunes Chicklet

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$20 Game of the Week: Pixel People (IOS)


Normally I don’t feature free-to-play games in this column, but with this game I’m making an exception since you don’t need to spend any real world money to experience everything it has to offer. Pixel People is an 8-bit version of what the 2005 film The Island would look like if instead of being murdered and having their organs harvested, the clones actually were being sent to an island, and this island was in space. You are in control of a colony of clones on an island in space. After they come to an arrival center, you assign them jobs by splicing two genes which represent professions. There are over 200 to unlock, and there are small animals and other items to find and unlock as well. Your island is constantly expanding, so you’ll need to purchase more land for buildings and houses. There are two main resources: gold and utopium. Gold is harvested on a regular basis, while utopium is a bit more scarce. You can buy utopium at a premium price, but if you’re patient, you can wait until you save up for whatever you need. A recent update added the ability to add facebook friends so you can trade commodities with them, leave gifts, and visit their towns. If you got an iPad, and a few minutes a day to kill, grab this from the app shop. It’s free-to-play, but thankfully it’s not pay-to-win.

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First Impressions: Marvel Heroes (PC)


This past weekend I was lucky enough to participate in the open beta for Gazillion Entertainment’s free-to-play MMORPG Marvel Heroes. I got an invite for the closed beta a few weeks back, but didn’t have the chance to play for very long. I took more time with the Beta this past weekend, and was impressed by it. Since progress in the beta won’t carry over to the game’s launch, I avoided making too much progress in the game. At the same time, I got a good sampling of what the game had to offer. Marvel Heroes will feature over 2 dozen playable characters (including Rocket Raccon and Squirrel Girl), each with their own upgradable skill tree, Unreal Engine 3 powered graphics, randomly generated environments, and a script by Brian Michael Bendis (Avengers, Uncanny X-Men, Ultimate Spider-man).
[Read the rest of this entry…]

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