Transformers Hall of Fame 2011 Human Inductees announced; Michael Bay, Steven Spielberg
by Crazy, filed in BotCon, Events on May.18, 2011

Hasbro has just sent out a press release revealing the two human inductees for this year’s Transformers Hall of Fame induction ceremony held at the annual Transformers convention Botcon. The inductees will be Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg for their contributions to the Transformers live-action movie franchise. Known robot inductees will include Ratchet, Ironhide, Soundwave and the winner of the fan poll. The fan poll finalists included Grimlock, Jazz, Erector, Waspinator and Shockwave. Oh man, please do not let Erector win. We’ll find out for sure on June 4th, 2011, the date of the induction ceremony. See you there, poweteers!
Press Release after the jump!
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