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Entries Tagged ‘DVD’:

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers coming to DVD

It looks like ShoutFactory will be brining the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers to DVD at long last. Four offerings appear to be in the pipeline:
MMPR: Season 1 Volume 1
3 DVD set
First 30 episodes
MSRP: US$19.93
Available August 21, 2012
Available for pre-order now on Amazon (see link below)

MMPR: Season 1 Volume 2
3 DVD set
Second 30 episodes
MSRP: US$19.93

Full Season 1 Set
6 DVD set
Available through Time Life TV campaign and online
Available starting July 30, 2012

The Power Rangers: Season One – Seven
40 DVD set
Contains all 145 eps from MMPR Season 1-3
Contains 10 episode series MMPR: Alien Rangers
Contains all 183 episodes of Seasons 4-7 including:

  • Power Rangers Zeo
  • Power Rangers Turbo
  • Power Rangers In Space
  • Power Rangers Lost Galaxy

Bonus material will include but is not limited to:

  • Retrospective featurette
  • Interviews with cast and team

Available starting July 30, 2012

Full press release after the jump

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Samurai Pizza Cats coming to DVD

The Samurai Pizza Cats Polly Ester, Speedy Cerviche and Guido Anchovy

Discotek Media has made an announcement on their facebook page that the complete Samurai Pizza Cats animated series will be coming to DVD soon, with separate releases for both the English dubbed version and subtitled Japanese version. Pricing and a specific release date have not yet been announced.

Samurai Pizza Cats - Bad Bird marrying Princess Vi

This is great news for fans who have been waiting to see this series again for years, and who have never had the pleasure of seeing the original Japanese show, Cat Ninja Legend Teyandee. Now all of you will need to make that difficult decision of whether to buy the series subbed or dubbed. Surely, many anime fans prefer to watch shows in their original language as was originally intended, but with shows from this era, and Samurai Pizza Cats more than most others, a lot of new dialog was added to the dub. This is a comedy series, and the humour in each language is distinctly different, including many added jokes in the dub version that we have all come to know and love.

Thanks to Raptor Thomas for letting us know about this news.

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Harry Potter Going Back In the Vault (Not Gringotts)

After surviving most of the last decade on eight Harry Potter films, Warner Bros. is pulling a Disney and will stop selling all versions of its Harry Potter films on December 29th. [via]

[Find out why, WHY they would do this, after the jump]

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SDCC 2011: The Dark Knight Returns And Other DC Animation

Following a screening of Batman: Year One, WB animation producer Bruce Timm announced to the audience their next movie projects.
The next feature will be Justice League Doom, an adaptation of Tower of Babel. Following that will be Superman vs. The Elite, and then the long await The Dark Knight Returns.

The Dark Knight Returns will be Warner Premier’s first two part feature, and Timm said the movie will be very faithful to the original. No voice cast has been announced by Andrea Romano said she is interested in bringing long time Batman actors Kevin Conroy and Mark Hammill on board. We first reported TDKR would be a future project in April.

Timm was also asked about Kingdom Come as a possible project, but said that the style of the artwork does not lend itself to 2D animation. The Killing Joke remains a possibility for the future.


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The Dark Knight Returns Animated Feature In Production

Warner Bros has made many popular modern DC books into animated features over the last 4 years, and after getting their feet wet with fare like Under The Red Hood and New Frontier, they’re finally going to go for one of the biggest, baddest comics in their library: The Dark Knight Returns.

Returns tells the story of a 55 year old Bruce Wayne returning to his Batman identity after a decade’s absence. He confronts Harvey “Two Face” Dent, The Joker, and Superman at various points in the story, and takes on a new Robin as his partner. The series, written and and drawn by Frank Miller, is one of the most highly regarded in the DC canon, and helped lay the blueprint for the dark and gritty Batman that is best known today.

WB had a real misfire in their first animated production, re-writing and altering The Death and Return of Superman into a standalone 75 minute feature. Literally dozens of issues and hundreds of characters were cut from the story, and the movie still felt rushed. By comparison, choosing shorter stories (no more than 6 issues) to adapt has worked well for WB, and the bulk of The Dark Knight Returns should make into a fine animated feature. There are some thematic elements that may push WB beyond their usual PG-13 rating, but I certainly hope the original story makes it through unmolested.

Elements of The Dark Knight Returns were present in a Batman The Animated Series episode, “Legends Of The Dark Knight.” In it, 3 children share stories about what they know about Batman. One of the kids is a dead ringer for TDKR’s Robin, Carrie Kelley, and her tale depicts a 5 minute sequence almost directly lifted from the page of Batman fighting the Mutant gang. Michael Ironside provided the voice of Batman in this sequence, and would honestly make a fine choice to reprise the role in a full feature. See a clip at the bottom of this article.

An animated production of Frank Miller’s Batman: Year One is already nearing completion, and is expected to premeire at Comic Con 2011 in San Diego, with a DVD/Blu Ray Release following.

Tip via Joey O and [Bleeding Cool]

Didn’t read the original book? Its never too late to catch up on the classics.

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ShoutFactory announces MASK coming to DVD

ShoutFactory has announced that they are putting together a DVD set for the 80’s animated television series, M.A.S.K.. The set will feature 65 of the 75 episodes. The last 10 episodes are actually owned by a different rights holder and Shout Factory has not been able to acquire those rights yet. Some may remember those last 10 episodes featured a longer overall story arc of M.A.S.K. pit against V.E.N.O.M. in a really big race. M.A.S.K. also boasted one of the most awesome intros of any animated series ever. See below.

Press release after the jump!

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Powet Robots: Silent Running

Drone #1 Huey from Silent Running

In the first episode of the new Powet original series “Powet Robots” we look at the robots from the 1972 film Silent Running, Drone #1 (Dewey), Drone #2 (Huey) and Drone #3 (Louis)

Watch this video in High Definition

Check out more images of the Silent Running Drones, behind the scenes images of how the costumes work below and my very own making of photos for this video below.
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Planet Hulk DVD – Hulk vs Red King trailer has posted a new teaser clip of the forthcoming straight-to-dvd feature, Planet Hulk. The clip features the beginning of the first fight between the Hulk and the Red King in the arena. I was excited for this having read the fantastic story in trade paperback form, but the quality of the animation has me even more stoked. The initial Marvel Animated DVD offerings were shaky at best, but there has been noticable and steady improvement with each one. If you cannot wait for this DVD’s release, I would suggest checking out the last DVD feature from the House of Ideas, Hulk Vs or picking up the Planet Hulk trade paperback. The animated Planet Hulk comes out this week on February 2nd.

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