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Entries Tagged ‘DLC’:

Famicom Dojo Podcast: The Price of DLC

Famicom Dojo Podcast 095: The Price of DLC

Physical game releases, and increasingly their digital versions as well, often get a hefty price cut as the game ages, but the price of the DLC never goes down. Should it? Vinnk and Sean backtrack on some earlier positions to talk about DLC they like, grapple with their feelings on DLC in general, and what alternatives publishers can pursue without giving up a revenue stream that helps to increase the software development tail of a game and its engine.

iTunes Chicklet

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5 New Characters Coming to Super Street Fighter IV in 2014


Yesterday at the Evolution Fighting Game Championship, Capcom revealed that 5 new characters were coming to Street Fighter IV. Early next year, Super Street Fighter IV players will be able to play as Rolento, Hugo, Poison, Elena, and a new mystery character never before seen in the series. Rolento, Hugo, and Poison are all Final Fight Alumni. Rolento was featured as a boss in the original Final Fight and made his Street Fighter debut in Street Fighter Alpha 2. The Professional Wrestler Hugo first appeared as a Street Fighter in Street Fighter III: Second Impact. Poison appeared in Street FIghter X Tekken, making her the only character in the game (beside the guest characters) that wasn’t in another Street Fighter title. She’s also significant for being one of gaming’s first transgender characters. Depending on which side of the Pacific you live on, she’s either a post-op (U.S) or she simply ‘tucks away her business’ (Japan) Elena was one of the ‘New Generation’ characters that appeared in Street Fighter III. She’ll be joining her fellow SFIII alumni Makoto, Ibuki, Dudley, Yun, and Yang who have already appeared in SF IV. The package will also include re-balancing for the core cast along with 6 new stages. The DLC will cost $15 for those who already have SSFIV. If you STILL haven’t bought it yet, or you’ve sold your copy, Capcom will release an updated disc with all the content and DLC costumes for $39.99. In related news, Capcom vs SNK 2 will hit the Playstation Network this Tuesday.

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Powet Top 5: Top 5 Issues in Gaming that Need to be Addressed

Welcome to the Powet Top 5, where we explore the top (and bottom) 5 items we think are relevant to any of a variety of topics that span the imagination. Sit back, read, and respond

Aiight, gather around folks, we need to talk.

Lets be clear now. Video Games aren’t dead or dying. They aren’t on life support or in the intensive care unit either. They aren’t even out with a broken arm, pulled hamstring, or 3-day flu. Nope, video games are just fine. Yeah I know how everyone loves the classics, but now is a good time to be involved with this hobby. We got high quality games like Mass Effect, Assassin’s Creed, and Deus EX being released on a regular basis, a thriving independent scene, and developers stretching the limits of what’s possible in video games. With that said, there are at least 5 big issues that video gaming could use less of. Some of these are on the part of publishers, others on the part of developers, and still others are even on the gaming community itself. Many of you will agree, many of you will not.
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SDCC 2011: Jim Lee talks about DC Universe Online and new DLC

G4 got to sit down with DC Co-Publisher and DC Universe Online creative director, Jim Lee. The brief interview covered some details on the process that went into making DCUO and went further to discuss the upcoming DLC that allows a player to become a Green Lantern reservist. Check it out!

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SDCC 2011: Mortal Kombat Legacy Panel, DLC and final episode

ENI posted about this video. It features the final episode of the Mortal Kombat Legacy web series. It is not wholly clear if the series will continue past this point. The video begins with series Director Kevin Tancharoen making a few comments on the series. After his comments it cuts to the episode in full featuring Sektor and Cyrax, followed by some applause. Unfortunately, thats all. At the end of the panel, Mortal Kombat series creator, Ed Boon announced that the new DLC for the latest game in the franchise would be Freddy Krueger. You can see Freddy’s gameplay trailer after the break. He will be available to play on August 9th.

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Transformers: Dark of the Moon Sideswipe DLC – I’d Buy That for a Dollar!

Sideswipe Transformers Dark of the Moon DLC is 80 Spacebucks

The first DLC character for Transformers: Dark of the Moon is now available. Sideswipe is available for 80 spacebucks, which by my estimate is roughly a dollar. The PS3 version is similarly 99 cents. You know what I have to say to that?

Here are some screenshots of what this character looks like:

Sideswipe from Transformers: Dark of the Moon in Vehicle Mode Shooting some guy Sideswipe from Transformers: Dark of the Moon in Vehicle Mode Driving Around
Sideswipe from Transformers: Dark of the Moon in Robot Mode Sideswipe from Transformers: Dark of the Moon in Robot Mode

Want to see the character in action? Check out me playing a multiplayer game and getting destroyed below:
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Famicom Dojo Podcast: OUTATIME

Despite an infamous history of poor titles to overcome, TellTale Games has pulled Back to the Future out of the movie tie-in gaming doldrums to create a worthy addition to the mythos. SeanOrange and Vinnk talk about their experiences with all of the episodes released so far.

iTunes Chicklet Direct Link: Famicom Dojo Podcast 02: OUTATIME

Complete show notes at FamicomDojo.TV:

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Famicom Dojo Podcast: The DLC Apocalypse

Sean’s bad experience trying to reauthorize downloadable content for his new Xbox 360 turns into a horrifying realization that modern downloadable games will not leave behind any artifacts for future generations. Is retro game collecting in trouble? Assuming we all survive the more literal apocalypse on 5/21/2011, that is…

iTunes Chicklet Direct Link: Famicom Dojo 01: The DLC Apocalypse

Complete show notes at FamicomDojo.TV:

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