Entries Tagged ‘Deadpool’:
by William Talley, filed in Articles, Comics, News, TV on May.12, 2017
Variety recently reported that the Merc-With-A-Mouth will star in an animated series that will debut on FXX in 2008. The Donald Glover (Atlanta) and his brother Stephen Glover will serve as show-runners, writes, and executive producers for the series. Coincidentally, Donald’s Atlanta co-star, Zazie Beetz, will be cast in the upcoming movie sequel as Domino. The show is being co-produced by Marvel Television, ABC Signature Studios, and FX.
Tags: Deadpool, FX, FXX, Marvel
by Crazy, filed in Comics on Apr.28, 2013
A new major event was announced for the X-Men at C2E2 this weekend by Brian Michael Bendis, Jason Aaron and Brian Wood. X-Men: Battle of the Atom pits some time travelling X-Men from the future against the original X-Men from the past, leaving the X-Men of today caught in the middle. Sound confusing? It sure does to me! The event will happen in September and October of this year, which marks the 50th anniversary of mutant mayhem. X-Men #1 came out in September 1963.
The story will be told in the following books:
X-Men Battle of the Atom #1
Uncanny X-Men #12-13
All-New X-Men #16-17
Wolverine & The X-Men #36-37
X-Men # 5-6
X-Men: Battle of The Atom #2
Details seemed a bit light beyond the above description, but we did get to see some concept art by Art Adams. Most of the images show the future X-Men including Beast, who has gone through further mutations, a grown up Molly Hayes from the Runaways, a female Xorn, a kid Wolverine with blue skin, red hair and stubby claws (did Logan shack up with Mystique?), an Ice Hulk (future Ice Man?), Deadpool and an unknown character at this time (This guy’s concept art was released by accident. He is a surprise character. Hint: The file name had ‘ProfX’ in it). The future team will apparently be led by Kate Pryde (Day of Future’s Past anyone?)
[Source: Newsarama live coverage]
Tags: Battle of the Atom, Beast, Comics, Days of Future past, Deadpool, Marvel, X-Men, Xorn
by Crazy, filed in Events, News, SDCC, Toys on Jul.12, 2012
We’ve been teased about Hasbro’s Return of Marvel Legends Wave 3 for some time now. We’ve seen a few of the figures and heard the line up, but now we finally get our first look at the entire wave along with some sneak previews of Wave 4 (Wave 1 for 2013).
Join us after the break for pictures, reveals and lineups!
[Read the rest of this entry…]
Tags: action figures, Archangel, Blade, Deadpool, Dr Doom, Hasbro, Iron Fist, Iron Man, Marvel, Marvel Knights, Marvel Legends, Moonstar, Mystique, Protector, Punisher, Sentry, She-Hulk, USAgent, X-Force
by Crazy, filed in Toys on Sep.15, 2011
Action Figure Xpress has posted a new photo on their Facebook page of the forthcoming Deadpool Corps Box set of minimates exclusive to New York Comic Con and AFX’s own online store. Looks like we’ll be getting the whole team except for Dogpool.
Tags: AFX, Deadpool, Deadpool Corps, Headpool, Kidpool, Lady Deadpool, NYCC 2011
by Crazy, filed in Toys on Sep.13, 2011

Action Figure Xpress has updated their
facebook page revealing that they will have an exclusive set of minimates based on the Deadpool Corps for New York Comic Con 2011. From the write-up:
Wade Wilson, the merc with a mouth, is good at three things: violence, not dying and being a bit funny in the head. So when he was found to be the only one immune to the consciousness-destroying Awareness, he had to team up with his alternate-reality counterparts to form… the Deadpool Corps! Lady Deadpool was a rebel who fought against a fascist American government; Kidpool was a student at the Xavier Orphange for Troubled Boys; Championpool has mastered every form of combat in the galaxy and is virtually unbeatable; and Headpool is a disembodied head from a world where everyone is a zombie. This exclusive four-and-a-half-pack of 2-inch Marvel Minimates mini-figures unites the five members of the Deadpool Corps. Each figure (except Headpool) has 14 points of articulation.
Tags: Action Figure Xpress, AFX, Deadpool, Deadpool Corps, Headpool, Merc With A Mouth, New York Comic Con 2011, NYCC 2011, Wade Wilson
by Crazy, filed in Toys on Mar.22, 2011
Tomopop was on location at C2E2 this past weekend and got some nice shots of upcoming minimates based on the Marvel vs Capcom 3 game. Included in some of the images were Deadpool, Super Skrull, Dormammu, C. Viper, Morrigan and more. I did not see any accompanying information regarding release or assortment pack outs for the figures. Design sheets for these new figures leaked just before Valentine’s Day. Those can be seen here. It looks like many of the Marvel characters will be leveraging existing tooling, while most of the Capcom characters are getting the full treatment including Amaterasu!
Tags: Capcom, Captain America, Deadpool, Diamond Select Toys, Iron Man, Marvel, Mega Man, Minimates, Resident Evil, Spider-Man, Street Fighter, The Hulk, Thor, VS, Wolverine, X-Men
by FakeTrout, filed in Comics on Mar.08, 2011

Last week Marvel Editor Axel Alonso asked fans if they’d like to see a team up with Deadpool and troubled TV star Charlie Sheen.
Because this is the internet, and we don’t actually think Marvel would follow through, and if they do we don’t want to wait, someone has already come through with this page.
Ben Christian and Cory Smith of The Independents deliver us less of a team up, and more of an adversarial meeting. But, as they said, strike while the iron is hot.
Tags: charlie sheen, Comedy, Deadpool, deadpool, Marvel, marvel