Guest reviewer Ryu gives us a unique perspective on the Street Fighter Anniversary Collection and Street Fighter Alpha Anthology games for the PlayStation 2. Also includes a look at the Official Street Fighter Anniversary Edition Controller.
Last night on Spike’s GameHead, Mega64 showed off a new segment lampooning the gravely salesman from Resident Evil 4.
The new Mega64 DVD will be out July 20th, with a longer version of the skit.
The one time GameCube exclusive is being sent to another platform. Resident Evil 4 will be released to Windows PCs in May courtesy of Ubisoft. The game appears to be a port of the generously expanded PS2 version, with the “Seperate Ways” campaign, extra costumes, and more weapons.
While its easy to make the arguement that the PS2 port of RE4 didn’t look quite as good as the GameCube original, I look forward to seeing what the game looks like on a high-end PC. Ubisoft has done some really graphically amazing games the last couple years, so I hope there are some enhancements and this isn’t just a straight port.
But if it is a straight port and this is your first chance to play this game: get off your butt and do it. Its as good as everyone says it is.
According to the popular VGM Podcast, Street Fighter II Turbo should be online and ready for dragon-punches by the end of April. Capcom’s mid 90s masterworkd will be available for Xbox Live Arcade for the sum of 800 – 1200 points, (about 10-15 dollars).
This might sound like a lot for such an old game when you can get the Street Fighter collection released just last year for roughly the same amount and get SF3 packed in with it. Still, when you’re talking about such a classic in its best remembered form with all the new added features, it will be worth it.
While Capcom fighters have always been easier to find (with many Street Fighter releases going back to the SNES), SNK titles tended to be every bit as good and sometimes better. Naturally, these 2 companies had to pit their characters against each other sooner or later, and the results are a mixed bag.
Dragonsama of the Penny-arcade forum offers a history and tribute of these games, going from the silly chibi card battles on the Neo-Geo pocket, to the graphical delight of CVS2, and ending finally with the last game ever on the Neo-Geo MVS.