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Entries Tagged ‘Black Widow’:

Movie Posters: Captain America: Civil War

See the trailer and more posters after the jump!
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Movie Posters: Avengers Age of Ultron

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Avengers Gag Reel

The Avengers comes to DVD and BluRay on September 25, but we’ve already started to see some features surface online. Here we have the gag reel showcasing some amusing mistakes and miscues from the actors during filming.

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Marvel’s Official Timeline Of Events Leading To ‘Avengers’ Movie

While it is accepted that all the Marvel ‘Avengers’ solo movies lead into the massive super hero team up film, there has been some inconsistency from fans as to which events came in what order. Obviously, Captain America’s World War II mission is before Tony Stark built his first Jericho missile, but when Did Thor fight The Destroyer and when did Hulk fight The Abomination? The answers may surprise you!

A book called The Art of Marvel’s The Avengers has the full time line spelled out in relation to the event of Tony Stark admitting he’s Iron Man. Goes back as fas as when Odin left the Cosmic Cube on Earth and leaders up to the very first scene in Avengers. Since many events overlap, there is never going to be a proper order to watch the films in, unless you want to sit at an edit bay and cut together a 10 hour movie of the 5 films before Avengers.

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Powetcast 119: Helicarrier Connection – ‘Marvel’s Avengers’ Discussion

Spoilers ahoy! Do not listen beyond the 55 minute mark if you have not seen Avengers!

I’m joined again by Adam and Jim, with Sean and Captain Genius returning after several weeks away. We dig deep into the Avengers film series and hold a couple of inappropriate off topic discussions along the way. I also kept my promise to Jim to not make the podcast 2 hours long. 1:52:44 ain’t bad!

Listen live on this page, or subscribe via RSS or iTunes.
Direct Link:Powetcast 119: Helicarrier Connection – ‘Marvel’s Avengers’ Discussion
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Movie Posters: The Avengers

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Avengers teaser – Loki in a cell

If you liked the teaser with Black Widow under interrogation, you may just like this new teaser for Marvel’s upcoming Avengers movie. In it, we see Loki (Tom Hiddleston) locked up in a cell having a conversation with Nick Fury (Samual L. Jackson).

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‘Avengers’ Movie Clip: Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow Kicking Ass

Here are forty three seconds of Avengers. Sure, thats shorter than any of the trailers, but its an actual clip instead of a bunch of jump cuts from all over the movie.

Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) is tied to a chair, seemingly captured by three men. She’s on the phone with Agent Coulson (Clark Gregg), who delivers some bad news. Whatever plan she had up her sleeve is cut short when she starts beating up all three guys while still tied to the chair.

Director Joss Whedon loves to make his female characters spin around and kick dudes. I can’t decided if he’s as in to female empowerment as many have credited him, or simply thinks this is as totally hot as most of our male readership does.

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