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Stikfas gets Evangelion license

Coming in Summer of 2007, Stikfas licensed Evangelion kits will be coming out to celebrate the anniversary of the franchise that took Japan by storm. Stikfas and GAINAX worked out nearly all the red tape so that these would come out to coincide with the release of the new series of animated movies, “Rebuild of Evangelion”.

Stikfas put up a couple of teaser images of the preliminary designs.

Stikfas Concept Art for Evangelion 2 Stikfas Concept Art for Evangelion 1

Cancelled Marvel Legends Henchmen to see release in Select line

Marvel LegendsFans were distraught after hearing that the “Bring on the Bad Guys” wave of Marvel Legends was originally slated to each come with a henchman figure and that the sculpts had been made. When they were put on display at the past San Diego Comic Con as part of a display of things that never made it to production, fans made their voices heard. Until now, all that was said was that Marvel/Toy Biz were considering their options.

Well fans, the options have been considered and decided! Coming next spring in a two-pack via the Marvel Select line, the Brood figure and the Skrull figure will be making their debut.

“When these figures were originally cancelled, fans made their wishes quite clear. Since Toy Biz sculpts and develops our Marvel Select line, it was only natural to inquire about the availability of these particular goons,” says Michael Leavey, Marketing & Sales Coordinator for Diamond Select Toys. “So far the response has been great, and we’re definitely looking forward to similar opportunities in the future.”

Marvel Select Skrull Marvel Select Brood

Source: TNI

Revoltech Optimus Prime clear picture

revoltech1.jpgTFW2005 has posted a clear image of the upcoming Optimus Prime figure from the popular Revoltech line out of Japan. I have included the picture below.

Revoltech Optimus Prime clear

FANtastic Exclusive 2007 Round 3 ends

FANtastic Exclusive 2007 LogoThe Four Horsemen announced the results of the third round of voting for the FANtastic Exclusive on the FANtastic Forums as well as some information on the next round.

The big winner of the Four Horsemen’s FANtastic Exclusive 2007 ( was actually the smallest choice. Action figure fans had the chance to choose from three different sizes for the 7th Kingdom’s “Elephant Swordsman”, and they chose the smallest of the three – 8” to 9” tall. The other two choices were 10” to 11” tall and 12” and taller. These sizes were chosen to represent the basic 6” scale of the Four Horsemen’s previous FANtastic Exclusive release, “Xetheus: Champion of Mynothecea”.

The Four Horsemen expect the next round of voting to begin early next week and will kick off with a discussion thread in the FANtastic Exclusive message boards that begins today. In the fourth round of voting, fans will once again get the chance to choose both the amount and style of articulation the “Elephant Swordsman” will be sporting.

Should he have the exact same amount of articulation as last year’s Xetheus? Maybe your idea is that the “Elephant Swordsman” needs more articulation since a swordsman would need to be quick and agile? Maybe you think the “Elephant Swordsman” doesn’t need as much articulation as some other figures because he’s a bulky, hulking elephant? Hey, now’s your chance you tell us!

So, just drop by the FANtastic Exclusive message boards over the weekend, get in on the discussion, and let us know what you think. Then, early next week be sure to stop in again to vote for your articulation choices.

FANtastic Exclusive 2007. Your voice. Your toys. Your choice.

Marvel Legends MODOK Wave sighted

Marvel LegendsI am a week or two late on this, but it still hasn’t hit most areas just yet. Marvel Legends MODOK series has begun to hit stores in some areas. This is the last wave of Marvel Legends from Toy Biz before Hasbro takes over and revamps everything. Be sure to get the figures you want when you see them because its not certain how long the figures will be on the shelves after the new year.

The wave includes:

  • Wasp (Modern Outfit)
  • Thor-Buster Iron Man
  • Beta Ray Bill
  • Captain Marvel
  • Spider-woman (Jessica Drew, Red Outfit)
  • Moon Knight
  • VARIANT: Wasp (x2, Blue outfit and Classic Red outfit)
  • VARIANT: Genis Vell
  • VARIANT: Destroyer
  • VAIRANT: Moon Knight
  • VARIANT: Spider-woman (Julia Carpenter, Black/Blue Costume)

Sigma Six Gung-ho on the way

GIJoeCCLogoCobra Island is reporting some news from the GIJoe Collector’s Club.

The most notable revelation is that a Sigma Six Gung Ho is coming later next year, styled heavily after his 2005 Steel Brigade incarnation, while still retaining the “Gung Ho flair” we all know and love.
In the same interview with designer Steve Bono, it was revealed that BAT commander Overkill is also coming, set to feature interchangable limbs and a removable BRAIN!

While it isn’t stated, I would assume this is part of the normal larger figure line. Not to be confused with the tiny 2.5 inch line, whose mere existence still puzzles many.

Hasbro’s Marvel Legends in package

planethulk.jpgToys News International is showing off some of the first wave of Marvel Legends under the direction of Hasbro. While a few fans have expressed distaste for the future of this line, I’m going on record as saying Planet Hulk looks cool.

See the gallery of Emma Frost, Ultimate Iron Man, Banshee, Planet Hulk and Hercules here: Hasbro Marvel Legends Series 1

One thing I think all can agree on, the new bubble packaging looks really nice. Its a big departure from the rather rectangular boxes Legends has has for years now, but its a lot more vivid and eye catching. Now it appears we’re losing the pack-in comic book, but we’re gaining a much better logo.

Ultimately we’re going to have to get these in hand before we can really tell whether Hasbro has improved or doomed this line. Either way, distribution is about to get a lot better and we’ll have to chase a lot less variants.

Thanks Josh!

PowetToys: Cybertron Menasor


By the way, the song used is Action Figure Party by Action Figure Party.

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