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MOTU Classics Castle Grayskull is officially a go, minimum order quantity met

MattyCollector has announced that Castle Grayskull has met the minimum order number needed to go ahead with sculpting a real model to eventually go into production next year. With little more than some basic design sheet images and a foam mock-up, fans put their money where their mouths were by pre-ordering the colossal playset at the steep cost of US$250. Had the minimum quantity not been met, the project would not have gone forward much like the Young Justice figures planned for next year that could not muster the pre-order minimum. Had Castle Grayskull not gone forward, it likely would have stifled the waning enthusiasm for the line further.

Now that sculpting can begin, Mattel is hoping to have something preliminary to show off at NYTF in February of next year. Pre-orders have opened back up for Grayskull and will remain open until January 4, 2013 at 9AM PT. Fans can now look forward to voting in the Spring for what characters will appear on the box art, which will be done by the same artist who painted the box art on the original Castle Grayskull, Rudy Obrero.

If you have not yet pre-ordered Castle Grayskull, you can do so here.

The Powet Top 5 – Transformers Classics

Welcome to the Powet Top 5, where we explore the top (and bottom) 5 items we think are relevant to any of a variety of topics that span the imagination. Sit back, read, and respond.

In 2006, Hasbro unleashed Transformers: Classics. Featuring heritage characters re-imagined with modern technology, the line was an instant hit with collectors. Now, 6 years later, the idea behind the Classics line has been revisited again and again, with homages to vintage characters popping up everywhere. Today, we’ll take a look at 5 of the best updates to these classic characters!

[Read the rest of this entry…]

MOTUC He-Man and BattleCat on sale today for $30 together

He-Man turns 30 years old this year. To celebrate, MattyCollector is having a one-day sale today, October 12, 2012. For US$30 you can pick up the He-Man & BattleCat Party Pak. That is both figures for just 30 dollars. Keep in mind that BattleCat alone sells for $33 by himself. This great deal is definitely the time to pick these two figures up either for yourself or to stow away as a gift for the holidays.

As a side note, this is pretty telling that Mattel went back into production for both He-Man and BattleCat with a significant production run to be willing to sell them for this low of a price.

PowerCon 2012 Roundup

This past weekend was Powercon/Thundercon. Powercon is a growing convention based around the Masters of the Universe property. Its actually two cons in one. The other half is Thundercon, which is based around the Thundercats property, which rates a negligent on the relevance meter right now. As a result, all the news from the con centers around MOTU. Join us after the jump for some reveals, qc issues, and teasers.

[Read the rest of this entry…]

PowetToys: Transformers Fall of Cybertron Optimus Prime

PowetToys reviews the Transformers Generations figure for Fall Of Cybertron Optimus Prime with some helpful comparisons to his predecessor, War for Cybertron Optimus Prime.

PowetToys: Transformers Prime RID Wheeljack and Dead End

Today, we take a look at Transformers Prime Robots in Disguise Wheeljack from Wave 1 and his repaint Dead End from a later wave.

NOTE: The articulation in the joint below the shoulder and at the elbow are both hinge joints. I misspoke when I said they were swivel joints.

Transformers Club 2012 Figure Subscription Service now up for orders

It was first revealed in the Transformers Collector Club Roundtable panel at Botcon 2012, that the Club would be putting together a Figure Subscription Service (FSS). Largely seen as a shot across the bow of, the subscription will feature six figures shipped out over the course of a year.

To order you can visit this link.

Here are some of the details:
You have to be a member to subscribe.
This is built to order. No limits on quantities. However much is ordered will be made.
The ordering period will end on September 10th at midnight.
You can pay in full ($282) or in three installments ($94) plus shipping and service fee.
Items will be shipped in random order. Everyone will receive the same figure each month.
If credit card or address changes, you change it on your club account only. Change will effect everything else.
Some extra figures may go up in the club store after shipment at a higher price point. Availability not guaranteed.


The figures included in the subscription are:
Transformers Animated Jackpot
Transformers Prime Slipstream
Transformers Generations Circuit
Transformers Generations G1 Breakdown
Transformers Generations RID Scourge
Transformers Beast Wars Neo Ultra Mammoth


Robot Chicken teaser for DC Comics special

September 9th at midnight, Cartoon Network will be airing a Robot Chicken special featuring skits based on DC Comics characters and fiction. It looks like this will be similar to their Star Wars specials. A teaser was made public, which we have embedded above. Enjoy!

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