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FDR American Badass redband trailer

I’m torn deciding if this is the worst thing ever made or the greatest. Help me out here, folks. Leave a comment because I’m pretty speechless.

Pingu’s The Thing

Pingu's The Thing - Remake of John Carpenter's The Thing

Today is John Carpenter’s 64th birthday. To celebrate, here’s a remake of his 1982 hit film “The Thing” done entirely in claymation in the style of Pingu.

As of this post being published the film has been seen by 885,887 people, which may be more people than watched the 2011 remake…

Check out more videos like this at, which also has these storyboards of Pingu’s The Thing.

Also check out John Carpenter’s The Thing in Stop Motion with GI Joes from a few years ago.

Movie Posters: Underworld: Awakening

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Moonrise Kingdom first trailer

I had not heard about this movie until I just watched the trailer, but I can honestly say I’m interested. The film stars Bruce Willis, Ed Norton, Bill Murray, Tilda Swinton and more. It is directed by Wes Anderson. No word on exact release date just yet.

Hanna Extended Edition Review

Hanna Extended Edition Blu-Ray Cover (Hannah Montana Prequel)

Here’s a review of the extended edition of Hanna, which shows that Hanna is actually a prequel to the Hannah Montana TV series.

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Movie Posters: Haywire

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Bob Anderson, Darth Vader’s swordsman, dies at 89

Mark Hamill and Bob Anderson on the set of The Empire Strikes Back

Bob Anderson, the man who played Darth Vader in his lightsaber duels in The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, passed away yesterday. Though voiced by James Earl Jones and played by David Prowse for most of the original trilogy, Bob Anderson is the man in the suit whenever Darth Vader was engaged in those iconic lightsaber battles.

Sword Master Bob Anderson

Beyond Star Wars, Bob Anderson worked on many films doing either stunts or working as a fencing coach. His credits include Highlander, The Princess Bride, The Mask of Zorro, The Lord of the Rings films and The Pirates of the Caribbean. He has also represented Great Britain in fencing at the Olympic Games.

Source: Entertainment Weekly.

Movie Posters: Contraband

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