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MAGFest 2012: VinnkCon

While Sean is away at MAGFest 2012, Vinnk holds a special event of his own!

Learn more about the production of this video at FamicomDojo.TV:


Powet.TV @ MAGFest 2012

Sean (@FamicomDojo) and Sindra (@tasteslikesin) are going to the tenth annual Music and Gaming Festival! (aka MAGFest.)

We’re going to be updating all weekend long from the convention, so check this space for daily video diaries, posts about awesome things, and (hopefully) more great videos like this one!

Magnificent Beards of MAGFest

MAGFest 2012:

MAGFest 2012: VinnkCon
Famicom Dojo Podcast: We Can’t Breathe
MAGFest 2012: Nyan Cat and Rainbow Dash Form Double Rainbow []
MAGFest 2012: Weekday Report
MAGFest 2012: A Dance Most Fowl
MAGFest 2012: Random Encounter Interview
MAGFest 2012: Earl Gray Mark III
MAGFest 2012: Weekend Report
Powet Presents: MAGfest X – Earthbound Papas Opening
Powet Presents: MAGfestX 2012 – Richter Belmont vs. BrentalFloss

MAGnificent Beards of MAGFest

MAGFest 2012 starts tomorrow. If you don’t know what it’s about, then this video is a perfect place to start!

Read more after the jump!

[Read the rest of this entry…]

Botcon 2012 Exclusive Shattered Glass Soundwave revealed

Similar, to Shattered Glass Tracks, no real surprises here. We’ve seen Shattered Glass Soundwave on numerous occasions before and he’s always portrayed with this mold. He will not come with his yellow bandana, but it will be available for purchase separately from the club. Logistically speaking regarding the toy’s production, that makes a lot of sense. Speaking from a fan’s perspective, I can guarantee that move will cause a lot of frustration. In a stranger turn of events, the Cold Slither logo appears on Soundwave’s alt mode. Cold Slither is a GI Joe reference. In the old GI Joe show, the Drednoks masqueraded as a rock band called Cold Slither.


Botcon 2012 Exclusive Shattered Glass Tracks revealed

Botcon just updated with the latest figure reveal for their upcoming exclusive convention set of figures. Shattered Glass Tracks has been revealed. As expected, he uses the Reveal the Shield Tracks mold and features the E-Hobby exclusive Road Rage paint scheme. No real surprises here, but still a nice piece to get confirmation on.

What do you think of the reveal? Let us know in the comments!


Botcon 2012 Exclusive Gigatron Revealed

First a caveat. This figure is really Overlord. Hasbro or the club do not have the rights to call him that, though, so they have given him the name Gigatron instead. He is using the Voyager Bludgeon mold from the NEST Revenge of the Fallen line. It appears that it will look pretty good in tank mode, but it looks really strange for such a powerhouse of a character to be using a samurai styled robot mode. I think the Straxus/Skullgrin mold may have been better suited even the scale would have been too small. The new head looks pretty good to me.


Its also relevant to note that this is the first movie line figure to be used as a Botcon exclusive. What do you fans think? Let us know in the comments!

UPDATE: Some newer official images surfaced.


TGS 2011: Street Fighter X Tekken

Sean tried out Street Fighter X Tekken on Capcom’s sweet arcade pad, and Vinnk plays Super Street Fighter IV Volt for the iPhone (out now)!

See more at FamicomDojo.TV:

Botcon 2012 location and hotel announced

The location for Botcon 2012 has been announced and its going back to Texas. Next year’s Botcon will take place in Dallas from April 26 to 29th. The main hotel will be the Hyatt Regency Dallas. As quickly as we are getting this information to you, though, it sounds like Sunday is already selling out. Book your hotel quickly! We’ve got ours and we hope to see you there!

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