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Sweet Powet.TV entries by Dru

EXCLUSIVE – Future Marvel Comics Storylines Revealed!

We here at Powet have come across a news source which has exclusively supplied us with a number of upcoming Marvel storylines! In fact, I can personally PROMISE you proof of these upcoming stories from Marvel:

  • Daredevil: Agent of SHIELD!
  • Wolverine vs. Hulk… To the death… OF BOTH OF THEM?
  • AND THEN, Wolverine comes back… as a vampire!
  • The Surfer is Galactus’s herald for now… Until he’s replaced by Dazzler!
  • The new Thor series puts the hammer in the hands of someone new: Rogue!
  • When Punisher becomes the new Captain America… Venom will become the new Punisher!

All the proof you could ask for AND MORE … After the jump!
[Read the rest of this entry…]

Spider-Man 3 News Roundup

Spider-Man 3 - Wide Images
Remember that recently released “final” trailer? Well, turns out it wasn’t so final after all. Less than a week later, they’ve released a new international trailer. It’s mostly recycled footage from previous stuff, but there’s a couple brief villain-centric scenes that haven’t been shown before. Check it out, in all its Windows Media Player streaming glory, in flavors hi-res, med-res, and lo-lo-lo-res. This is great, because what we really need right now is four hundred trailers for the film. Splice them together, and you almost won’t have to go to the movie.

Keep on after the jump for new wide images, Venom design notes, and why China gets the movie before North America. (Huh. So much for my trailer-splicing plan – looks like Chinese bootlegs will be the way to go.)
[Read the rest of this entry…]

Swords To Plowshares, And Guns For Xboxes

Xbox 360s
Tired of shooting things in real life? Well, now you can trade in your gun and get an Xbox… If you live in Mexico City. Oh, and also, only if it’s a “smaller gun.” If you trade in a “high-caliber weapon like a machine gun” you get a computer instead. No word on if a BB Gun gets you an original Xbox. And hey, maybe they’re actually talking about the original Xbox and not the 360… But I tell you what – I’m not about to run down to Mexico with a bunch of guns to find out for myself. You, however, have that option available to you. (Not really. Please don’t try smuggling guns into Mexico.) So head down to Mexico and make the trade today (seriously, don’t though), and instead of shooting human beings with bullets, you’ll be shooting space aliens and Nazis on your TV!

Spider-Man 3 Images

Spider-Man 3 - Sandman
Film Ick has been rocking the Spider-Man 3 images over the past couple days. You can find some set shots and “New Goblin” design images here, and – more interestingly – they also have Gwen Stacy and Sandman images here, which we’ve mirrored for your viewing pleasure:

Spider-Man 3 - Sandman Spider-Man 3 - Gwen Stacy
Mirrored from Film Ick

Here He Comes, Here Comes Speed Racer…

Speed Racer
Elisha Cuthbert... and some guy…He’s a demon on wheels. In the upcoming Wachowski film, Speed will be played by Emile Hirsch. You may have recently seen him in “Alpha Dog” or “Lords of Dogtown,” if you happen to watch movies that I don’t. But to me he’ll always be the “Girl Next Door.” Not that I saw that either. Come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve actually seen him in anything.

Want to know the best response I’ve read to this? “Well, he’s got the eyebrows.

Iron Man Movie Filming Updates

Iron Man Movie
About a week back Jon Favreau announced that he’d finished the first week of filming, and that he was “looking forward to getting out of the ‘cave.’ The first few weeks of shooting are spent, somewhat in sequence, establishing Stark’s captivity. It sets the table tonally for the rest of the film.” recently updated with some photos from the exterior of this “cave” set, and we’ve got a couple of them mirrored here to give you an idea of what it looks like.

Entrance to the "cave" Camp entrance... or exit... or something like that

Cream of the Comics – 03/28/2007

The Spirit #1 (2nd Printing)
The Spirit #1 (2nd Printing)
written and drawn by Darwyn Cooke

Darwyn Cooke is most recently known for his brilliant work on DC’s New Frontier book (Vol 1 & Vol 2), a story told around the Golden Age of DC. However, you might recognize his art style as being similar to the awesome Batman and Superman (and Batman Beyond) animated series of the ’90s, which is fitting, since he spent a lot of time doing storyboarding work for them. These days, however, he’s doing some fantastic storytelling every month in Will Eisner’s The Spirit.
[Read the rest of this entry…]

Shaun Toub As Iron Man Movie’s Mandarin

Iron Man Movie
Shaun ToubShaun Toub has been previously announced as a cast member of the upcoming Iron Man movie, but news sites are now saying that he’s been cast specifically as Mandarin, Iron Man’s enemy in this movie (much like in the recent animated feature). For those of you who don’t know, Mandarin’s super-powers involve being Chinese and wearing rings that shoot crazy beams (ranging from “ice blast” to “matter rearranger” – I’m betting they don’t keep “matter rearranger” one for the movie). Personally, I’m just surprised James Hong wasn’t cast for the role. I thought it was his job to play every Asian character in every American film.

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