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Sweet Powet.TV entries by FakeTrout

Chris Evans is Captain America! Hugo Weaving is Red Skull!

Casting for Captain America has been highly public, with every young male actor vying for the role. I was pulling for “Office” star John Krasinski, but he got dropped early on. Channing Tatum was apparently in the top 3, if Marvel wanted to go the unlikable stone faced dancer type.

Now it appears that Chris Evans has been forgiven for his participation in the two laughable Fantastic Four movies by being given potentially the biggest role in Marvel’s movie universe. For DC fans, imagine if John Wesley Shipp was given the role of Superman and you might begin to appreciate how odd this casting is on paper.

That said, its hard to argue that Evans isn’t a likable guy on screen and his performance as Johnny Storm was one of the things that didn’t stink about the F4 flicks.

Slightly less surprising is Hugo Weaving as Red Skull. Having already played Agent Smith in The Matrix and Megatron in Transformers, Weaving could be on his way to being typecast as the ultimate villain. At least this time he’s not a robot.

“The First Avenger: Captain America” is set for release in 2011 and will be directed by Joe Johnston. Shooting begins this shortly, and will be set largely during World War 2.

If you can’t wait to see a Captain America movie, catch the absolutely shitty direct to video one on hulu.

news via THR Heat Vision: 1 and 2

Ted Leo / Phamacists kick off new Onion AV Club Series

The Onion (the funny newspaper) has new series where they’ll get 25 touring bands to cover 25 songs selected by editors. The first band, one of my favorites, Ted Leo & The Pharmacists, get to turn in a pretty great cover of “Every Body Wants To Rule The World” originally by Tears for Fears.

By the way, I told you guys about 3 years ago about “Living With The Living” and my praise is matched for “The Brutalist Bricks

This is not the first time Ted Leo pulled out a pop cover for a website, taking a look at his performance of “Since You Been Gone” from a few years back… [Read the rest of this entry…]

Predators Trailer

Not fighting Aliens. Well, they do fight aliens if you consider the humans on a world not their own are technically aliens.
Also, Robert Rodriguez, famous for directing Shorts and Spy Kids, is not the director of this movie. His name is all over it because you’ve never heard of Nimród Antal.
I’m not sure this series needed a reboot. If anything, I was kinda hoping the AvP series would go direct to video and we’d start seeing some rubber suits and Gary Busey in a new one. Leave it to sci-fi horror fans to take stuff too seriously…

Keep Playin’ Borderlands

This game is kinda old by now, but I felt I should weight in on why is fun to shoot the same guy over and over with 50 slightly different guns.

I sure do appreciate your pressin’ play on the above video and sharing the link on your facebooks and tweeters.

[Read the rest of this entry…]

Lazy Sunday Live! Samburg, Parnell & The Roots

Its been years since Chris Parnell and Andy Samburg did the “Lazy Sunday” sketch on SNL. It gave birth to one of the best segments of the show, the Digital Short. It also brought mainstream attention to The Lonely Island, who released probably one of the best comedy albums ever last year.
Parnell was on Late Night With Jimmy Fallon last night and for the first time ever, “Lazy Sunday” was performed in front of an audience, with beats by the legendary Roots crew. [Read the rest of this entry…]

Iron Man 2 Gets Second Trailer

Robert Downey Jr sat down with Jimmy Kimmel last night following the Oscars and showed off another 2 minutes of spliced together footage from his new movie, void of narration or context. In show business they call this a “trailer” and its supposed to make you want to see the movie because you have no idea whats going on. I made a point of recording this show on my DVR since it ran well after my bed time, and was disappointed to see that ABC has not seen fit to give Kimmel and HD camera for his show yet. So you, dear reader, get to see the footage in HD first.
As it was before, you can find the new Iron Man trailer on in all your HD and iPod toting variations.
Ok, its also on Youtube. [Read the rest of this entry…]

Cool Beans 03/05 ep 004: Versus

Happy Friday! This weeks episode is a big fight. Our panelists doesn’t fight each other, but the stuff we talk about is all crazy rivalries! Justice vs Crime! Anime vs Video Games! Plants vs Zombies!
Even the music today doesn’t seem to get along well.

Direct Link: Cool Beans 03/05 ep 004: Versus

Audio Netcast Details
iTunes Chicklet Subscribe to the Powetcast on iTunes

[Read the rest of this entry…]

XBOX Live ends “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Policy

Xbox General Manager Mark Whitten announced via open letter to the community about some changes to the terms of use. Since the introduction of profiles for gamers using the service, certain words have been banned and anyone engaging in online play would not be permitted to identify their sexual orientation

Specifics have been added to the Code Of Conduct:
You may use the following terms to express your relationship orientation in your profile or Gamertag:


Other terms regarding relationship orientation are not allowed. In addition you may not use these terms or any other terms regarding relationship orientation to insult, harass, or any other pejorative use against other users.

Previously any gamer who identified themselves as straight or gay in their profiles would be in violation of terms of use and would be either forced to remove such terms or would be banned from the service.

Xbox Policy Manager Stephen Toulouse updated his twitter with “Special thanks to GLAAD and Microsoft’s LGBT community for guidance on the terms. If you try typing in any of the the approved terms into your profile, you should find they are not blocked. Let me know if you have problems”

So now you can be “out” and serve in Call of Duty or Battlefield Bad Company, unlike the real US Military. Here’s hoping the real world catches up with the video game world soon.

What do you think about the policy change? Leave a comment!

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