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Sweet Powet.TV entries by FakeTrout

Iron Man 2 – What did you think?

Iron Man 2, the sequel to the 2007 smash that made Robert Downey Jr a major star and Jon Favreau more than just the guy from Swingers, opens on a record breaking 4,830 screens today. Did you see it? Did you stay after the credits? What did you think?
Leave a comment here: be honest and talk about everything. To those that haven’t seen the movie yet, do not go into the comments unless you’re willing to have key moments spoiled!

Fan Film “Street Fighter Legacy” Better Than Both Real Street Fighter Movies.

Or watch in HD.

Ken looks silly, Ryu looks silly, but the action and music are on point. I probably couldn’t stomach 2 full hours of this, but as a 3 minute video, it accurately represents a round of Street Fighter. What do you think? Leave a comment!
[Read the rest of this entry…]

Halo Reach Beta Primer with Aisha Tyler

aishatylerhaloStand up comedian and actress Aisha Tyler is a well known Halo fan. In fact, its been rumored for a while that she has a role in the Reach game, though thats unconfirmed.

What she definitely does have a role doing is introducing the Beta test to gamers via this 6 minutes primer video. While you’re waiting for the Reach Beta to download (its 1.2 GB), it wouldn’t be a bad idea to watch this recap of all the new games, areas, and weapons you’ll discover.

If you need more details, check Bungie’s FAQ.

The Halo Reach Beta is available for a limited time to those who have been given a download code from Microsoft or accessed from the Halo 3 ODST Main Menu. Don’t have ODST? Why Not?!?

Conan O’Brien Breaks Silence to 60 Minutes (Video)

Conan may be legally prohibited from being funny on TV, but he’s now legally able to speak about what happened. Steve Kroft from 60 Minutes interviews Conan at his home, about his feelings and his remarkably positive outlook for his future on TBS.

Above, see the full interview that was broadcast, and included after the jump are the outtakes available from the CBS website. Some are informative, some are silly, but unless you’ve got tickets to his sold out live show, its the only Conan you’ll see until November.
[Read the rest of this entry…]

Powet Monthly Digest – April 2010

April Showers bring digest posts!

Yes, it was another amazing and informative month at Powet. Sure, it was 4 more weeks of regular features like videos, Powet Alphabet, and Lost Classics, but we also had 2 great podcast sessions and some huge news! If you were too busy in April to visit us, or if you took a few days off for spring break you might have missed a lot! Get caught up now!

[Read the rest of this entry…]

The Next Batman Is Coming In 2012

Yep, thats about it. Warner Bros has announced the third installment in the Batman series directed by Christopher Nolan will release July 20, 2012.

2012 may be over 2 years away, but thats already shaping up to be a busy summer: Star Trek 2, The Avengers, and Spider-Man are all releasing.

And thats about it. No news on casts, villain, story, shooting. Nolan has rejected out the idea of doing 3D, but is currently looking to do the entire film in IMAX.

via The Hollywood Reporter

Reminder: May 1 is FREE COMIC BOOK DAY!!!

fcbdThe first Saturday in May every year is Free Comic Book Day. This year, that day is May 1 and it is tomorrow!

In all over 30 comics from various publishers will be available, though you’ll want to get to your store early to avoid sell outs. And hey, don’t forget to actually buy some books and support your local comic shop while you’re there.

Don’t know where to get free comics? Go to this website and enter your zipcode!

Then come back and leave a comment telling us what books you picked up, and the name of your local comic store!

Powetcast 32.5: Anywhoozle

POWETCAST325As promised, this is the uncut, uncensored, and uncalled for out takes from this weeks podcast. Listen with headphones.

Direct Link: Powetcast Episode 32.5: Anywhoozle

Audio Netcast Details
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[Read the rest of this entry…]

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