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Sweet Powet.TV entries by FakeTrout

Thor and Captain America Movie Posters for ComiCon

capThis weekend Marvel is going to be showing off posters for their next two big movie offerings. Captain America and Thor concept art posters will be available from Marvel Studios and Paramount.

If you can’t make it to the show, or fear you’ll simply be lost in the vast expanse of one of geekdom’s biggest weekends, then you’ll be happy to check here to see the full artwork on each poster. Captain America takes to the streets of World War II Europe, and The Mighty Thor swings his hammer at rival Loki. Neither of these are direct stills from the movies, but will give you a really good idea what to expect.



Edit: higher resolution versions added!
Source: Yahoo

Halo Reach: Buck, Johnson, Cortana, and Chief Are Back

Reach_InitialArmoryInventorBungie has posted their weekly update in advance of ComiCon. Its a pretty big info dump, reasoning they’d rather get out ahead of the players taking cell phone pics and just let people see the real deal. One of the images they posted is the “Initial Armory Inventory” and it represents the custom options for Multiplayer and Firefight game modes. Bungie has been championing the options for custom characters since day one, but this image shows a few people you didn’t expect.

Well, you wouldn’t expect them if you didn’t see the banner image on this post. From left to right thats Buck, Sgt Johnson, Cortana, and Spartan 117 himself: Master Chief. Allowing those hardened Marines to drop into Firefight is one thing, but Cortana comes out of nowhere. Will we have a playable glowing blue AI skin? Its that too weird?

How do we know this isn’t just a dump of artwork accidentally left in with new elements? Steve Downes, who provided the voice of Master Chief over 3 Halo games, has said he’ll be back in Reach.

The Social Network Trailer

David Fincher is making a movie about Facebook. I can’t imagine this being interesting, in fact it sounds boring, because if one of the founders of Facebook were a serial killer or anarchist, I assume I would’ve heard about it by now. But then he got Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails to do the score, and suddenly the story I couldn’t give two craps about it is being told in sight and sound by two of the darkest artists working today.

So here is the trailer, where Jesse Eisenberg proves he’s not a Michael Cera doppelganger but a Mark Zuckerberg doppelganger.

Powetcast 37: The Brutalist

We went on as we were on a mission, latest in a Grand Tradition
And oh, what did we find? It was Ego who was flying the banner, and me and Crazy, Sindra and Logan.
Oh, we’d been unkind

But do you believe in something beautiful?
Then get up and be it!

Direct Link: Powetcast 37: The Brutalist

iTunes Chicklet Subscribe to the Powetcast on iTunes

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ROLL OUT! Optimus Prime Pulls His Trailer Into Transformers 3!

Transformers 3 hit the Windy City in a big way today. Lots of photos from the set have popped up all over the web. The highlight of it all has to be the glorious return of the trailer. Optimus Prime has classically been a big rig, and the original Prime of course pulled a trailer (that disappeared at a moment’s notice). The above video, captured by a fan with a phone handy, shows the heroic Autobot leader racing into battle without hesitation.

As for the Chicago set photos… well this might get into spoiler territory, so I’ll leave those after the cut. I must stress that you’ll only see CARS, we don’t know if they’ll become robots or what robots they’ll become.

UPDATE: Here is a video of some of the other cars heading toward the set:

[Read the rest of this entry…]

Powetcast 36.5: An E3 And A Dollar Short

powetcast365Posted a little later than promised, and a little later than any other game site worth their salt was finished their coverage, its our E3 reactions! The panelists of obsessives, compulsives, and couldn’t care less consists of Zac, Crazy, aDam, and Sindra.

Now, the exciting conclusion to Powetcast 36: War For Botcon!

Direct Link: Powetcast 36.5: An E3 And A Dollar Short

iTunes Chicklet Subscribe to the Powetcast on iTunes
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The New Spider-Man: Andrew Garfield

andrew-garfield26 year old actor Andrew Garfield has been cast as the “new” “young” “teenage” Spider-Man in Sony’s next film based on the hero. Marc Webb will direct from a script by James Vanderbilt.

Who cares? I mean honestly Tobey Maguire might be pushing 40 and the last flick the old guard did wasn’t great, but theres almost nothing about a new Spider-Man that could be remotely interesting now. Chalk that up to a decade of super fatigue, from when Spider-Man stood alone as one of the best to only a number in a field of more entertaining hero films.

What say you, true believers? Does this new Spidey have a shot or is this just another white kid in tights?

Press release follows.
[Read the rest of this entry…]

Powet Monthly Digest – June 2010

PowetcastJune was another busy month for the site! Not only did we bring you FIVE new videos and FOUR podcasts, we had more text features and news posted than any month this year so far!

We set the bar pretty high for a 30 day month, so we’ll see how we do in July, or if we’ll succumb to summer vacations and lounging by the powet pool.

Here is a run down of what you might have missed, which you’ll have plenty of time to catch up on this holiday weekend (Independence Day, Canada Day, Twlight Eclipse Day)

PowetToys: MOTUC Battle Cat
Famicom Dojo Season 2: Sega Power Base Converter
Powet.TV: Convention Hygiene
Powet Robots: Silent Running
Powet Presents: Botcon 2010 Hall of Fame
[Read the rest of this entry…]

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