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Sweet Powet.TV entries by FakeTrout

SDCC 2010: Nolan North is Deadpool in Marvel VS Capcom 3

NolanNorthDuring a live stream of Marvel VS Capcom 3 with play-by-play annoucements, Capcom-Unity‘s Seth Killian let slip that veteran voice actor Nolan North performs the role of Deadpool. This is actually the first confirmation of any of the voice talent in the game.

North is one of the best known voice actors in games today, with notable roles as Uncharted’s Nathan Drake, Halo 3 ODST’s Romeo and The Prince of Persia himself. He was also Raphael in the acclaimed movie TMNT as well as literally dozens of other voice roles.

North actually played Deadpool once before in the Marvel Animated DVD “Hulk VS”

SDCC 2010: The Destroyer From Asgard Arrives For Thor

destroyer1 Of course they didn’t just set up the Throne of Asgard just for Stan Lee.

Marvel studios rolled out The Destroyer, the enchanted armor that will be worn by the big bad of next summer’s “Thor: Mighty Avenger”

The SDCC Marvel Studios panel is beginning as this post is going up, we expect to bring more news on Thor, Captain America, and The Avengers soon.

SDCC 2010: Street Fighter vs Tekken, Tekken vs Street Fighter

Capcom takes on all comers. First they pitted their Street Fighters against X-Men, then the entire Marvel Universe, rival developer SNK, and finally Tatsunoko anime stars. Who’s next?

Never stepping away from a challenge, Street Fighter producer Yoshinori Ono was approached by Tekken producer Katsuhiro Harada live at ComiCon, and sure enough they had a new tag team game ready to demo. Ryu and Chun Li from Street Fighter against Kazuya Mishima and Nina Williams of Tekken! The game will be in 2D, similar to the Street Fighter IV and developed by Capcom. Ono-san says its early in development, so we’ll have to keep playing SFIV and then Marvel VS Capcom 3 before we’ll get our hands on the new game, titled “Street Fighter x Tekken.”

Tekken Die-hards will be pleased to know a 3D game similar to Tekken 6 is also in production called Tekken x Street Fighter at Namco.

Capcom Unity has more screen shots!

SDCC 2010: DC Universe Online Trailer

Get a look at what happens when Lex Luthor, The Joker, Black Adam, Dethstroke, and other villains get the upper hand against the Justice League.

SDCC 2010: Halo Reach Crams FIVE Multiplayer Maps Into One Forge World

Of course we expected to see the map editor Forge come back in Reach, as it became one of the most popular elements of Halo 3. What I don’t think anyone expected was for it to be as big as Bungie has now made it. Watch the above video, you’ll see they took two new maps as well as remakes of Halo CE’s Blood Gulch, Halo 2’s Santuary, and Halo 2’s Ascension and put them all into one amazing space.

The rules for Forge have been completely re-written and its now much easier to build custom maps and spaces as well as game types: like a version of King Of The Hill where the hill as a rocket launching Warthog.

SDCC 2010: Halo Reach High End Figures From… Square Enix?

reachfiguresSquare Enix are world famous for game series like Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, and Kingdom Hearts. But in the last few years they have gotten into the high end collectible game with super detailed figures based on their games.

The next toys they’re bringing to market aren’t based on their own games but Microsoft & Bungie’s Halo: Reach. Details like pricing aren’t mentioned, but other 9 inch figures in their Play Arts line tend to go for around $40 in the US.

Jackass 3D Is Coming

“We’re going to take the same 3D technology James Cameron used in AVATAR and stick it up Steve O’s butt. We’re taking stupid to a whole new dimension.” -Johnny Knoxville.

MTV plans on showing the first footage at ComiCon this weekend. At last, after countless goofy kids movies, we’ll get justification for 3D digital cinema.

Unlike previous Jackass movies, this one was shot largely on sets and private properties, so expect less on the street shocks like Night Pandas or Party Boy. Also a departure: no beer. Miller High Life was the proud sponsor of the first film, but as Steve-O hasn’t had a drink in 2 years, the entire cast stayed sober in support. This has strangely resulted in more injuries than on previous movies.

Expect vomit, penises, and Bunny The Lifeguard to pop out of the movie screen on October 15, 2010.

StarCraft II – Ghosts of the Past Trailer

I’m the last guy who should be posting StarCraft news. Hell I bought the original game from a discount bin in 2003 and then chucked the disc into the street in a fit of rage when it wouldn’t install on the laptop I had at the time.

But this trailer is neat. Maybe I should see if that disc still works.

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