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Sweet Powet.TV entries by FakeTrout

Portal 2 Co-Op Trailer

Portal was really cool, and I’m sure Portal 2 will be fun. However, there was this nagging feeling in the back of my head that the sequel couldn’t be as good, that nothing would compare the the exploration and discovery of the first game.

Thankfully, this video puts some doubts to rest. Also, robots. If you want to see a bit more GameTrailers dedicated nearly their entire episode to Portal 2 this week.

Pre-order Portal 2

F#*% Me Ray Bradbury

f-me-ray-bradburyI’ve been listening to a lot of Top 40 radio lately, and this is at least as good if not better.

A little background on this video, which is already going viral like mad… Its the creation of Stand up comedian Rachel Bloom, who doesn’t exactly have a lot of credits yet. I have a feeling in about 2 months, she’ll be on TV.

In the mean time, she’s got a twitter and a facebook page.

Stalk away, men of the internet.

(Thanks BZ3!)

Halo Reach: A Spartan Will Rise

You might be reaching a point of unrecoverable fatigue with the deluge of preview footage involving Halo Reach.

But just watch this video once. You’ll recognize that voice, and suddenly this story starts to get pulled in a direction you might not have expected.

Preorder Halo Reach and get a $20 gift credit towards your next Amazon Games purchase!

Red Faction Battlegrounds Announcement Trailer

Some of the more fun parts of Red Faction Guerrilla were driving a car into a building to knock it down. Or hopping in a mech and wrecking the crap out of enemy soldiers forming on your position.

THQ realizes this and has a dandy Xbox Live Arcade and PSN game called Red Faction Battlegrounds that will be out next year.

Metroid Other M Interactive Trailer

otherm I really shouldn’t be impressed by a flash trailer I can click on, but I can’t recall any video game doing something like this in the past. Here it is: an interactive preview video for an interactive game!

Metroid Other M will be other August 31, which is not soon enough.

Preorder Metroid: Other M from Amazon today and get a $20 credit toward your next game purchase!

Bioshock Infinte Debut Trailer

For those of you wondering if Bioshock was going to move beyond just a sequel and into a full series, wonder no more.

Moving beyond the underwater world of Rapture, Bioshock Infinite rolls the clock back to 1912 in the flying city of Columbia. Irrational Games, devlopers of the original Bioshock, have been hard at work on the title for some time now, though they do not plan to release it until 2012.

What do you think? Are ready to leave Rapture for an even crazier setting? Will the next Bioshock go underground or in space?

Keep Playing: SHOOT 1UP!

With very little cash in hand you can find interesting games hidden on Xbox Live. If you’re not ready to spend $15 on a “Summer of Arcade” title, this is probably your best bet for low budget gaming!

Shoot 1UP is available in the Xbox Live Indie Games channel for only 80 points, thats a dollar!

Developed by Mommy’s Best Games

Weezer Gets Lost With Hurley

hurley-album-coverWeezer announced they’d have a new album called Hurley a while ago. Any fan of LOST thinks first of the character Hugo Reyes played by actor Jorge Garcia, knicknamed “Hurley”

Apparently as the band was considering titles and covers, one photo of singer/songwriter Rivers Cuomo with Garcia was a clear favorite. As a result, the cover of the album will simply be a closeup of Garcia’s face with no text.

riverscuomoandjorgegarciaSays Cuomo, “I just loved this photo of Jorge Garcia — it just had this amazing vibe. We didn’t want to do a fourth self-titled record and we knew people would refer to it as ‘the Hurley record’ even if left it without that title, so we just called it ‘Hurley.’ No words are on the cover because all we wanted was his amazing face.”

Even though theres no connection for the songs themselves (Cuomo says he’s only up to season 2 on dvd), Lost Executive Producer Damon Lindelof none the less was excited: “New Weezer album title had to be a coincidence. Then I saw the cover. So. Damn. AWESOME.”

Hurley will be released on September 14th, the first single “Memories” is making the rounds on rock radio.

Source: Spinner

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