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Sweet Powet.TV entries by FakeTrout

Powetcast 48: Small Screen Heroics

Powetcast is back with a bang! The gang is all here to discuss the week’s news and have a roundtable discussion.
This week’s topic is “Do Superheroes Belong On Live Action TV?”

Direct Link: Powetcast 48: Small Screen Heroics

Audio Netcast Details
iTunes Chicklet Subscribe to the Powetcast on iTunes

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The Dismemberment Plan Return

The Dismemberment Plan – “The City”

The Dismemberment Plan haven’t toured in 7 years. I’d seen them a dozen times over in their native DC, and the last time I saw them onstage it was in Milwaukee in 2003.

Last Night they appeared on Late Night With Jimmy Fallon, making their live TV debut, and this weekend they’ll storm DC again with shows at The Black Cat and The 930 Club.

They’re releasing their album Emergency & I on vinyl LP for the first time. If you don’t have a record player, you can still buy the MP3s too.

The D-Plan also stuck around after the show for another song, which is available online only– [Read the rest of this entry…]

Hathaway and Hardy are Catwoman and Bane for The Dark Knight Rises

We’ve known for a while that Tom Hardy would be in the next Batman flick, but we didn’t know who he would be. Speculation fuleed by plot rumors put him as Dr Hugo Strange, but an official press release from Warner Bros has eliminated rumors and confirmed another cast member.

Tom Hardy will be Bane, a Batman villain notorious for breaking the caped crusader’s back during the Knightfall plot in the mid-90s. Bane’s power is derived from a super potent steroid-like substance called Venom that amplifies his musculature.

Additionally, Anne Hathaway has been cast as Selina Kyle, better known as Catwoman. A very popular character for decades in the Batman mythos as both a villain and a hero, its unknown what role she will play in Nolan universe. One thing is for sure: it will likely be better than Halle Berry’s attempt.

Read the full press release:
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Powetcast 47: Delayed Reaction

Originally Recorded January 9, 2011.

The Jerk Store Called and they said they’re tired of waiting for me to upload this podcast! Zac kicks off the new year of Powetcasts with aDam, Crazy, and Sindra. Terminator, Fringe, and Matty Collector are NOT topics this week. We do get into some Zombies, Sailor Moon, and Pokemon.

This week’s music is The Flaming Lips And Stardeath And White Dwarfs With Henry Rollins And Peaches Doing Dark Side Of The Moon

Direct Link: Powetcast 47: Delayed Reaction

Audio Netcast Details
iTunes Chicklet Subscribe to the Powetcast on iTunes

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Flaming C on Young Justice from Conan

A few weeks ago, we reported Conan O�Brien joining Bruce Timm in designing a super hero, and now here is The Flaming C’s debut in Young Justice.

Marvel VS Capcom 3 adds Phoenix and Mike Haggar, Watch Gameplay Videos

Jean Grey, the original Marvel Girl, is Phoenix once again in Marvel Vs Capcom 3.

And Mayor of Metro City Mike Haggar has joined the fight as well!

Marvel Vs Capcom 3: Fate Of Two Worlds will be out on February 15. Pre-Order the Special Edition now to get one month of Marvel Digital Comics, 12 Art book, 12 page prologue comic, and access to the first DLC pack of Jill Valentine and Shuma Gorath a month before other players.

Mattel Grants Video Game License To THQ

Mattel announced today a partnership with video game publisher THQ to turn more of their properties into video games. Mattel’s “Pictionary” game is already available from THQ ahead of this deal.

Obviously, this will mean some more Barbie Horse Adventures, but Mattel’s camp does hold a license that should excite any grown collector or core gamer: Masters Of The Universe.

Do us a big favor THQ, get the guys from Volition and put them on MOTU, using the desgins from the latest Classics toyline. The only way to make Saints Row better is to set it in Eternia and add the ability to carjack Mer-Man.

Source: Reuters

Conan O’Brien Joins The DC Universe

Conan’s new show is filmed on the Warner Bros lot, and that means he’s on the same campus where DC Entertainment is run. In this bit from his December 9th show, Conan sits down with Warner Bros Animation Creative Director Peter Girardi to grill him about some of the less awesome characters from the DC Universe.

Conan then joins Bruce Timm, character designer from Batman The Animated series and producer of many DC animated works that came after (Including the upcoming Green Lantern series). Timm takes direction on turning the host into a character worthy of joining the DC Universe, The Flaming C.

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