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Sweet Powet.TV entries by Sean "TheOrange" Corse

Powet Alphabet: Q is for Quantum Leap

Since the alphabet is the building block of our language, the Powet Alphabet is the building block of what makes us geeks.

Quantum Leap (Season 1)

Not long ago, there began a somewhat off-kilter TV show with an unbelievable premise that nonetheless captured the hearts and minds of America. Guest stars who were associated with it went on to have long careers of their own, even as the principals struggled to escape its overpowering shadow. Despite the sometimes-inexplicable twist and turns of the plot, what really attracted audiences were the touching and realistic character pieces that this show delivered week after week.

I could be talking about ABC’s LOST, but before LOST was NBC’s Quantum Leap. Read on to find out why this show held, and twenty years later continues to hold, a special place in the hearts of science geeks, acting geeks, history buffs, and non-geeks alike.

[Read the rest of this entry…]

PAX East 2010: Turbaman Interview

PAX East 2010

This guy Turba made a sweet indie game that combines rhythm game mechanics with a puzzle game. Sweet? We thought so.

Powetcast Episode 31: Pokewalker, Monster Ranger


Back into the swing of things after PAX with news… and Cool Beans? Find out what you’ve been missing on LOST, what you can expect in Doctor Who, and just what the heck a Pokewalker is for, anyway.

Direct Link: Powetcast Episode 31: Pokewalker, Monster Ranger

Audio Netcast Details
iTunes Chicklet Subscribe to the Powetcast on iTunes

(Did you go to Anime Boston or Boston Comic Con? Enjoying the direct of LOST or Doctor Who this year? Do you have a Pokewalker? Leave a shout out below!)

Show notes after the jump!

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Powet Alphabet: N is for Ninja

Since the alphabet is the building block of our language, the Powet Alphabet is the building block of what makes us geeks.

N is for (Teenage Mutant) Ninja (Turtles)

Ninja are so good at what they do that Very little is written about them. Well, shyeah! I’m surprised we even knew that they existed, that’s just how good they are.

Before news of these mighty warriors reached western shores, their characteristics were already steeped in mysticism and wild claims — all the better to maintain their cover and strike when one is least expecting.

But when popular media got a hold on such a novel idea, all the sort of iconographic garbage you can expect from commercialism started to dilute their true nature. That is why N is for Ninja, and why you should read on to find out why everything you thought you knew about them is wrong.

[Read the rest of this entry…]

Powetcast Episode 30: PAX East 2010

PAX East 2010

Powetcast Episode 30: PAX East 2010

We cover all three days of the first-ever PAX East in Boston, MA!

Direct Link: Powetcast Episode 30: PAX East 2010

Audio Netcast Details
iTunes Chicklet Subscribe to the Powetcast on iTunes

(Did you attend the convention? Read lots of articles? What did you think? Leave a comment below!)

Show notes after the jump!

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PAX East 2010: Kotaku’s Cannon Fodder

PAX East 2010

Stephen Titilo and N’Gai Croal — who make up the gaming duo extraordinaire of “Kotaku and Croal” — held a fascinating panel about their “scientific” method for determining the top 10 games of all time, starting with a metacritic list, and passing it through the hands of many of the industry’s well-knowns to: 1) do nothing to the list, 2) swap two existing items in the list, or 3) replace any item with a more deserving game.

Here is the starting list:

1. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
2. Super Mario Galaxy
3. Grand Theft Auto IV
4. Super Mario World
5. Metroid Prime
6. Soul Calibur
7. Orange Box
8. Uncharted 2
9. Super Metroid
10. Metal Gear Solid (Game Boy Color)

Follow us to find out where it ended up, and what you can do to continue it!

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PAX East 2010: Playing “Split Second” (Disney Interactive)

PAX East 2010

Disney made a racing game that looks pretty sweet. Let me say that again: Disney made a racing game that looks pretty sweet! Zac tested it out, hoping to scratch his Burnout itch. Watch the video to find out if he succeeded.
[Read the rest of this entry…]

Powet.TV at PAX East 2010

Well, that's not something you see every day

If you’ve been following us on Twitter, you’d already know that much of the diverse Powet.TV staff has congregated this weekend in Boston for the first-ever Penny Arcade Expo East! We arrived via plane, train, and automobile, although the journey was more fraught for some than others.

Read on to find out what you can expect from our convention coverage, as well as our report on the first official day!

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