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X-Men, Runaways, New Warriors and Squirrel Girl Headed to TV

new warriors

Although Marvel’s Most Wanted and Agent Carter have been cancelled, Marvel is on a roll with several new television series. Legion is already on its way to FX, while Cloak and Dagger was announced this past April. It looks like several more members of Marvel’s Pantheon of heroes could be joining him on the small screen as well. Click after the jump to learn more.
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NYCC 2014: IDW bringing Jem and the Holograms to comics


CBR brings us news that IDW announced a forthcoming series based on Hasbro’s Jem and the Holograms. The 80’s franchise featured a pink haired and bedazzled rock star and her band occasionally featuring their rivalry with fellow rockers, the Misfits. No word on when the comic will be hitting shelves, nor who will be working on it.

A feature film of Jem and the Holograms is currently in development under director John M. Chu, as well.

Podcast: Reveal The SHIELD – “The Asset”

reveal_the_shield_podcast Welcome to the third episode of the unofficial podcast companion to Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD TV series. This episode we will discuss “The Asset” the third episode of the series, originally airing on October 8, 2013.

Subscribe in iTunes or stream the episode using the player below. New podcasts are posted every Monday after a new episode has aired.
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Podcast: Reveal The Shield “0-8-4”

reveal_the_shield_podcast Welcome to the second episode of the unofficial podcast companion to Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD TV series. This episode we will discuss “0-8-4” the second episode of the series, originally airing on October 1, 2013.

Subscribe in iTunes or stream the episode using the player below. New podcasts are posted every Monday after a new episode has aired.
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Podcast: Reveal The SHIELD “Pilot”

reveal_the_shield_podcast Welcome to the first episode of the unofficial podcast companion to Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD TV series. This episode we will discuss “Pilot” the first episode of the series, originally airing on September 24, 2013.

Subscribe in iTunes or stream the episode using the player below. New podcasts are posted every Monday after a new episode has aired.
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Powet Top 5: Cartoons That Didn’t Need Remakes/Sequels

It seems to be that so many cartoons were so beloved in the 1980’s and early 1990’s, that dollar signs could be seen in the eyes of many a television executive in terms of potential goldmines that needed to be further tapped. Granted, many of us remember these original series fondly through the grace of nothing more than nostalgia-tinted glasses, but whatever the case was a lot of the cartoons we grew up with were blessed with awesome. (either cheesy awesome that we didn’t care about much as kids, or through actual honest talent in writing and execution.

And thus, several show saw “comebacks” in the mid-to-late 1990’s and early 2000’s, either as reboots of their original series of sequels, that meant to bank on said nostolgia value and gain the same acclaim that the previous installments gained from much of us.

Sadly, a lot of them failed. Some, miserably so. Either it was because new concepts were being tried that failed, or that concepts that were popular and worked with shows that were made around a certain medium tried the opposite approach and came off looking half-assed at best and utter crap at most. And then there were some that just should have stopped while they were ahead.

These are a few of those.
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The Powet Top 5 – Best Disney Channel series

Walt Disney Television Logo

Welcome to the Powet Top 5, where we explore the top (and bottom) 5 items we think are relevant to any of a variety of topics that span the imagination. Sit back, read, and respond.

Disney Channel shows get a bad rap! I get a lot of flack to watching them. While they are at times pretty horrible, there are a few of them that are really good and worth checking out. While everything on this list is admittedly fairly juvenile, and often subject to cliches, these shows are often very funny, and are a kind of proving ground for some pretty good actors.

Disney makes a lot of shows, but this list is just about Disney Channel series. This means nothing from the Disney afternoon or anything that wasn’t made for Disney Channel proper will be included. I also understand that everyone is in love with Phineas and Ferb but I haven’t watched that show so it’s not on my list. If you don’t like my list, let us know what yours is!

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The Sailor Moon Anime turns 20 today

Luna trying to motivate a reluctant Usagi in Sailor Moon

How times flies. 20 years ago today, on March 7th 1992, the first episode of Sailor Moon aired in Japan. 5 years ago I wrote this short article commemorating 15 years. Not a ton has changed in the past 5 years. The manga is being released again and a lot of merchandise has come out in the past few months but the rights issues with this now classic 20 year old anime series remain the same. You just can’t walk into a store and buy the greatest anime series of all time in North America.

Sailor  Moon transforming

Take a moment to think back on the show, an maybe watch an episode or two.

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