SDCC 2010: Mattel’s DCUC, DCIH, Green Lantern Classics and more
by Crazy, filed in Comics, Events, SDCC, Toys on Jul.25, 2010

There were lots of announcements on the DC front from Mattel. To see the full Mattypalooza panel that mostly focused on Ghostbusters, MOTU, and DC Universe, you can go here.
What was revealed at the panel for DC product in the Mattypalooza panel was almost entirely exclusive to
Mattel held a separate panel just for DC Universe Classics and Green Lantern classics. You can watch the actual panel here and look below for highlights. I found it amusing that the first thing said in the DC Universe panel was that there would be more reveals in five minutes of this panel than there were in all the Hasbro panels. It makes me sad that he’s not far off the mark.
Continue on after the jump for more details.
Retro Action Super Heroes
These are the Mego-like cloth figures that come in around 8 inches tall.
Starting in February there will be a Green Lantern themed figure every month on counting down to the movie. The two figures revealed in the panel were:
Sinestro (in Sinestro Corps uniform)
Guy Gardener
The regular release figures will be available at Toys R Us and certain online retailers.
Wave 3
Captain Cold
Wonder Woman
Classic Cheetah
Wave 4
Black Adam
Martian Manhunter
Justice League Unlimited
MattyCollector will be trialing some JLU 2-packs. The two revealed were:
Destroyer Darkseid and Kalibak
Parademon and Parademon
These are scheduled to go up around the holidays.
Regular releases will have an expanded distribution to Target and certain online retailers
Singles coming in late fall include
Mordern Martian Manhunter
Superman Red
Superman Blue
Captain Atom
Red Tornado
Singles Early Spring 2011
B:TAS Batman
KG Beast
B’Wanna Beast w/ Wonder Pig
Her’o Tal? (Hawkman guy)
3 packs in Fall
B:TAS Batman, B:TAS Joker, B:TAS Grey Ghost
Deimos, Warlord, Supergirl
Adam Strange, Animal Man, Starman (repaint)
Golden Age Flash, Golden Age Green Lantern, Golden Age Hawkman
3 packs in Spring 2011
Old Blue Beetle, Booster Gold, Translucent Fire
Guy Gardener, Martian Manhunter, Batman (B:BATB look)
Toyman, Aquaman, Superman
Firestorm, Angle Man, Killer Frost
DC Universe Infinite Heroes
Big plans, but no reveals. Just a big Green Lantern symbol
DC Universe Classics
2011 will feature 4 main line waves, one of which, will be available exclusively at Wal-Mart.
Wave 14 is shipping now. Wave 15 will be shipping in the fall.
Wave 16:
Azrael Batman
Dick Grayson Classic Robin w/ Alternate Super Friends head
Jonah Hex
Ridder (in full question mark suit leotard)
CNC: Bane

There is going to be a giant 12-pack of Legion of Superheroes figures available only on Each figure comes with a ‘proty’ accessory (no idea what that means) and a die-cast Legion flight ring. Included in the set will be:
Cosmic Boy
Lightning Lad
Saturn Girl,
Braniac 5
Chameleon Boy
Ultra Boy
Karate Kid
Matter Eater Lad,
Timber Wolf
CNC – Colossal Boy
A joke was made that the Invisible kid would be included too. Marginal laughter was produced.

Green Lantern Classics:
These are coming in 2011 and will start with a ‘Sneak Peak’ 2-pack featuring a corrected height Sinestro and a shiny mettalic Hal Jordan.
There will be 2 waves of 6 figures. Each wave will have a Collect N Connect (CNC) figure.
Wave 1:
Sinestro Corps. Mongul w/ new arms and paint job
Black Hand
Manhunter w/ a big square battery
Low w/ extra head and arms to make Maash (buy 2 of me!)
Black Lantern Abin-Sur
CNC: Arkillo

Wave 2 will feature a brand new Red Lantern designed by the Four Horsemen and named by Geoff Johns.
For more outstanding pictures of the DCUniverse Classics, Green Lantern Classics and Legion figures check them out in this gallery at Michael Crawford’s site.