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Archive for May, 2007:

Lost Classics: King’s Quest (PC)

kings_quest_collection.jpgBefore FPS, RTS, and MMORPGS became the norm, it was adventure games that dominated the PC. These games challenged players to think logically in a way that can’t be surpassed by today’s games. Weather it’s the point/click interface, command prompt, or first person adventure, the games challenged players to think their way out of predicaments rather than simply blow away their enemies. They came in all different flavors from Sam and Max and Leisure Suit Larry, to Myst and Monkey Island. Sierra’s King’s Quest series was one of the great standouts of the genre. With stories penned by Roberta Williams, the series told about the trials and tribulations of the royal family of Daventry.
[Read the rest of this entry…]

$20 Game of the Week: Unreal Anthology (PC)

unrealanthology.jpgNow we all love our console games, but I think it’s time we start showing the PC some cheap gaming love. I’m no computer snob, but PC games have certain perks over their console brethren (i.e. more precise control settings, user-created content) just as console games have their advantages over PC games (i.e. not having to pre-install a game to their hard drive or buy $200+ graphics and sound cards in order to have their copies of Oblivion and Far Cry look halfway decent). Only time I’ve ever featured a PC game on here is when it’s a PC port of a console game. Now that I finally got a computer capable of running games, it’s time to spotlight the other side of gaming, and we’re gonna do just that with this week’s $20 GOTW and Lost Classics.
[Read the rest of this entry…]

Batman: Dark Knight Teaser Site Up

I’m just reporting all sorts of teasers this weekend.

Seems the new teaser site for the upcoming Batman: Dark Knight movie has been thrown up. Of course, it’s not much to look at right now – only the Batman logo in front of a blue and white explosion-esque background. Still, it means that possible teaser trailers could be in the near future as well.

Batman Dark Knight

Check out the teaser site HERE.

Square-Enix Party Results

Square EnixThis weekend’s Square-Enix party in Chiba, Japan revealed some more interesting tidbits and videos about upcoming titles and plans for the future. Did you expect anything less?

Amongst the flurry of closer video presentation and excitable cosplayers, Square-Enix dropped some more information regarding the new Final Fantasy: Dissidia game for the PSP, including playable characters for the title such as Zidane and Kuja from FFIX, Warrior of Light from the original game, and….big surprise….Sephiroth! Or at least, that’s what has lead viewers of the footage believe. Of course, we won’t know until the official confirmation as to whether or not the famous villian would truly be playable.

Some new footage of a new entry to the Kingdom Hearts series was also featured, but was left vague as to whether or not it was related to the KH3 teaser at the end of the second game, or if it is part of a side-story and new game altogether. Word has it confusion probably won’t be cleared up until the Tokyo Game Show in September.

Ah Square-Enix, you are the cock-tease of the gaming world.

Broken Lizard Teases Super Troopers 2

I liked Beerfest quite a bit, and Club Dread wasn’t all that bad either. But no Broken Lizard film matches Super Troopers.

Paul Soter tells MTV

”There was a period of time where it seemed to us that the only way people recognized us at all was as Super Troopers. So we thought, let’s get a few other films under our belt just to let people know that it’s not the only thing that we do. The more we thought about it we said we should do it. They are great characters and we still have a lot of material left over.”

Theres no script, no money, and no greenlight on this movie. But I’m all aboard anyway. Super Troopers is a classic and if anything is missing from their other movies its that I really just didn’t get into the characters as much. I certainly hope this sequel talk isn’t just a bunch of shenanigans.

“Foul Tempered” Bunny Attacks Woman

Monty PythonMonty Python’s got nothing on this.

In the town of Linz, Austria, a possibly rabid rabbit attacked a 74-year old woman in her back yard while she was hanging up her laundry. The the hysterical hare launched itself at the old woman, and while it didn’t exactly “nibble her bum”, it did manage to bite her foot and caused her to fall, before her husband managed to come out to battle the beast. When police arrived on the scene, they managed to subdue the beast. Unfortunately, no holy hand granades were availible at the time, so the policemen had to improvise by shooting the rodent when it tried to attacked them as well.

No lackies were harmed during the brutal encounter.

You can read the heroic tale HERE.

Kirsten Dunst Is Debbie Harry

MTV Movies Blog reports: Kirsten Dunst Ready To Rock For Blondie Biopic. Ok, so its only a rumor, but if both Dunst and Harry want this movie to get made, it should get made.

I’m completely in favor of this movie and in favor of this casting. Dunst could pass for Debbie Harry very easily and whether she sings or lip syncs theres a great story to tell there about Blondie’s rise to fame in the late 70s.

My dream would have this movie be part of a CBGB trilogy with the story of The Talking Heads and The Ramones in the late 70s and early 80s.

Keep reading for Blondie videos
[Read the rest of this entry…]

Halo 3 Beta Video: Spartan Laser In Action

This is the last Halo 3 Beta video I’ll ever post here. It opens up in less than a week and then we’ll overrun with clever videos and the urgency will be gone.
That said, I am posting this one because its the best look I’ve seen at the 3 Beta maps and a really great look at not only the portable jump pad but also the Spartan Laser. Can’t wait to see if this dispaces the Rocket Launcher as the Anti-Vehicle weapon of choice.

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