Square EnixThis weekend’s Square-Enix party in Chiba, Japan revealed some more interesting tidbits and videos about upcoming titles and plans for the future. Did you expect anything less?

Amongst the flurry of closer video presentation and excitable cosplayers, Square-Enix dropped some more information regarding the new Final Fantasy: Dissidia game for the PSP, including playable characters for the title such as Zidane and Kuja from FFIX, Warrior of Light from the original game, and….big surprise….Sephiroth! Or at least, that’s what has lead viewers of the footage believe. Of course, we won’t know until the official confirmation as to whether or not the famous villian would truly be playable.

Some new footage of a new entry to the Kingdom Hearts series was also featured, but was left vague as to whether or not it was related to the KH3 teaser at the end of the second game, or if it is part of a side-story and new game altogether. Word has it confusion probably won’t be cleared up until the Tokyo Game Show in September.

Ah Square-Enix, you are the cock-tease of the gaming world.