I liked Beerfest quite a bit, and Club Dread wasn’t all that bad either. But no Broken Lizard film matches Super Troopers.

Paul Soter tells MTV

”There was a period of time where it seemed to us that the only way people recognized us at all was as Super Troopers. So we thought, let’s get a few other films under our belt just to let people know that it’s not the only thing that we do. The more we thought about it we said we should do it. They are great characters and we still have a lot of material left over.”

Theres no script, no money, and no greenlight on this movie. But I’m all aboard anyway. Super Troopers is a classic and if anything is missing from their other movies its that I really just didn’t get into the characters as much. I certainly hope this sequel talk isn’t just a bunch of shenanigans.