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Archive for May, 2007:

Absolute Garbage

Absolute Garbage

Today, posted the details of their newly announced first ‘Best Of’ album. The album will feature 17 of the bands best songs from their four album discography, in addition to a brand new single made just for the album, “Tell Me Where It Hurts”. The song will be released as a single on July 9th, with the album coming the following week. The album will feature a second cd full of remixes from some well known DJs.

In addition, Garbage will be releasing a DVD collection of 15 of the band’s music videos with behind the scenes footage, interviews and more.

The album is set for release on July 16th, 2007, while the DVD collection is set for release on July 17th, 2007.

Continue reading after the jump for the various track listings of the cds and dvds!
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Metroid Prime 3: Corruption New Screens

Now that we’ve got a release date, Nintendo just released a new batch of screens for Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. We’ve got a new logo, some random arm shots using that grapple beam, and one group shot of the other hunters.

metroidprimecorruption7.jpg metroidprimecorruption6.jpg metroidprimecorruption5.jpg metroidprimecorruption3.jpg metroidprimecorruption2.jpg

Hopefully some new gameplay video will show up soon.

Cream of the Comics – 5/23/2007

Criminal #6
Criminal #6Criminal #6
written by Ed Brubaker, art by Sean Phillips

Captain America #26 comes out this week, following up on his almighty death from last issue. Last week was the closing (of sorts) to the year-long “Rise & Fall of the Shi’ar Empire” in Uncanny X-Men. Daredevil dares to be a devil. Or so I presume. What do all of those books have in common with Criminal? Writer Ed Brubaker.

This guy is in the absolute top tier of comic writers today, and while he’s banging out some popular hits on the mainstream Marvel titles, what’s slipped under too many radars is that he’s been writing one hell of a book in Criminal. The first five issues were a single storyarc, and they were simply fantastic. The story started about a heist that went bad, and then it went worse, and then it went even worse. I cannot recommend these issues enough, and if you haven’t read them, you can buy them now for real cheap in trade paperback.

This week, we begin a new storyarc with a new main character. Phillips and Brubaker are starting (almost) over from scratch, so if you skipped the first 5, then forget it, it’s fine – you have a second chance to start fresh with this book. Here’s the promo text:

Twenty years ago, Tracy Lawless traded the crime-ridden streets of the city for a life in the military, and it’s a decision he’s rarely regretted. But now he’s walking out of the deserts of Afghanistan and Iraq and back into the world he grew up in, to find out who killed his brother Rick, and why. But truth is one of the few things uglier than family history, and the only thing Tracy has in his favor as he unravels the twisted strands of the criminal life his brother led, is that no one knows who the hell he is. And what they don’t know, just might kill them

GTA:IV Gets the “Special” Treatment

GTA4Remember the days of oldschool games, when you just got *the game*; the regular edition as an only option, and none of these fancy frills and extra features or crazy box art and different colors – just the game?

Yeah, that doesn’t happen anymore.

Seems Rockstar announced that Grand Theft Auto 4 will also be getting a gussied-up version of the game as well. GTA: IV Special Edition will come in a safety deposit box-like cover, with a special art book and production art all bundled in, along with a CD sampler of music from the game and a Rockstar keychain. Aaaaand, dun dun dun….a duffle bag. Pre-ordering for the special edition has already commensed, at a retail value of $89.99

Grand Theft Auto 4 releases this October 16th in North America & October 19th in Europe for both PS3 and Xbox 360.

Metroid Prime 3 leads Nintendo’s Release List

metroid_prime_3_corruption.jpgI seriously doubted they could get the game out before fall, and was betting we’d see a November release.
Now the long awaited 3rd installement in the Metroid Prime series has a release date: August 20th. Which means I better get a Wii by August 19th.

Also on August 20th, Nintendo will publish a sequel to Brain Age on DS, and many more DS and Wii titles are on the way beyond that. Sadly the list has many licensed games from movies or cartoons, but on the bright side there are only 3 Megaman games!

Keep reading for the full release list!
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The Sarah Connor Chronicles Trailer

I was all down on this project until I saw this footage. I have to admit a weekly Terminator does look like it could be good. I just wish it wasn’t couched in the mid 90s forcing all events to take place before the recent Terminator 3.

It should arrive in early 2008, but the real question is how quickly will FOX kill it?

Lost Classics: Illusion of Gaia (SNES)

illusionofgaia.jpgIn 1994, when it was still two separate from Square, Enix released this action RPG for the Super Nintendo. Although This game is the second part of a trilogy that includes Soulblazer and Terranigma (only released in Europe), you don’t have to play Soulblazer at all in order to enjoy this game. (In fact, the only link between the two is the appearance of a Soulblazer boss in a hidden level of the game.) Playing as Will, you and your friends travel the world during the age of exploration. You’ll visit real life locales such as Angkor Wat, The Great Pyramid of Egypt, and The Great Wall of China in your quest to stop a comet from approaching Earth. You’ll gain two allies, both with different abilities, whom you can change into when needed. This game stands along side Zelda and Secret of Mana as one of the best action RPGS available on the Super Nintendo. Hopefully we can expect a virtual console release sometime in the near future.

$20 Game of the Week: The Movies (PC)

themovies.jpgAs we’ve seen from Fable, Peter Molyneux has a habit of overestimating his ambitions. However, when he does pull through, some pretty amazing things happen. Case in point, The Movies. One-half sim game and one-half movie development kit, you are tasked with building a movie studio from the ground up. Build sets, create scripts, and keep your stars happy so you can keep producing academy-award winning hits. Starting in the 1920s, you unlock new sets and technologies each decade. Like any good sim, cost management is a must. Pay attention to the news ticker to see what movies will be in demand. Build research facilities to discover new technologies, makeover centers to keep your stars satisfied with their image, and even rehab for users that develop eating or drinking disorders. When making movies, you can edit each scene, add in subtitles, and even record voice overs. You can even take your creations online, and share them with the world. (By the way, check out my film making debut here) It’s a shame this game didn’t take off as well as it could have, but for those who love making their own content, or if you fantasied about being a big name film maker, grab this up.

Minimum Requirements
Operating System: Windows 98SE or greater (including Vista)
8X speed CD-Rom drive for instillation
Storage: 2.4 GB or Greater Available hard disk space plus 500 MB for Windows swap file
Video: 3D Hardware accelerator card – 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible 32 MB
Memory: 256 MB RAM
Sound: 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible 16-bit sound card
Processor: Pentium III or Athlon 800MHz equivalent or faster
Minimum requirements may not guarantee optimal performance

Also check out the “Stunts and Effects” expansion pack, also available for $20.

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