illusionofgaia.jpgIn 1994, when it was still two separate from Square, Enix released this action RPG for the Super Nintendo. Although This game is the second part of a trilogy that includes Soulblazer and Terranigma (only released in Europe), you don’t have to play Soulblazer at all in order to enjoy this game. (In fact, the only link between the two is the appearance of a Soulblazer boss in a hidden level of the game.) Playing as Will, you and your friends travel the world during the age of exploration. You’ll visit real life locales such as Angkor Wat, The Great Pyramid of Egypt, and The Great Wall of China in your quest to stop a comet from approaching Earth. You’ll gain two allies, both with different abilities, whom you can change into when needed. This game stands along side Zelda and Secret of Mana as one of the best action RPGS available on the Super Nintendo. Hopefully we can expect a virtual console release sometime in the near future.