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Archive for May, 2007:

Josh Middleton shows comic cover process

Josh Middleton shows comic cover process Post Banner

I’m a big fan of Johua Middleton‘s art. Especially his cover art. In his blog, Josh has noted that he posted a youTube video showing the creation process of a comic cover he worked on from the pencils to the final rendering. This cover is from the DC series Outsiders with the story focusing on Aquaman and Metamorpho. Its interesting to note that he mentions being told that the new Aquaman is actually a teen, so when he showed the editorial staff the final version of the picture, they wanted him to make him look older, which is certainly a challenge for an already finished piece of art. Check out the blog entry for the full background, but here is the video:

Josh has posted a few other very similar and very cool videos on youTube of him sketching. You check his youTube account here.

FANtastic Exclusive 2007 Variants: Part 1

FANtastic Exclusive 2007 Hammer of Gholl Post Banner

The FANtastic Exclusive 2006, Xetheus, Champion of Mynothecea, received a resculpted variant painted in six different flavors, each a different exclusive to a different online e-tailer (can you have an offline e-tailer?). For more information on that (with video!) you can check here and for more on the FANtastic Exclusives in general you can read some of these posts.

This year, for the FANtastic Exclusive 2007, we finally have news on the variants for the Elephant Swordsman. Not only that, but he now has a name! Ramathorr: Captain of the Anitherian Guard. Ramathorr will have 8 variants collectively known as The Anitherian Nine (A9). Each revealed on Tuesday and Friday for 4 weeks, starting this week. To keep the front page a little cleaner, I’m going to update once a week (thats two variants per post, for the non-math majors).

So without further ado, here are the first two variants:

The Hammer of Gholl, Ramathorr’s most trusted enforcer.
Previews Exclusive

FANtastic Exclusive 2007 Hammer of Gholl 1 FANtastic Exclusive 2007 Hammer of Gholl 2

The Mace of Broggah, the dark disciplinarian.
October Toys Toy Break Exclusive

FANtastic Exclusive 2007 Mace of Broggah 1 FANtastic Exclusive 2007 Mace of Broggah 2

Geometry Wars coming to Wii and DS

One of the best reasons to buy Microsoft Points on Xbox Live Arcade is now heading toward’s Nintendo’s twin screen portable and waggle powered console.

I speak of course of Geometry Wars. Sierra Entertainment has licensed the frantic shooter from Bizarre Creations and will be adding a full single player campaign, co-op multiplayer, and connectivity between the DS and Wii. Titled “Geometry Wars Galaxies” it will be available as a stand alone release instead of a download title. The Geometry Wars Retro Evolved will be included in the package as well.

The original game is a pick-up-and-play masterpiece. Powet’s own Screwface Capone sang GW’s praises in his weekly column. Adding to the complexity of the game could destroy it, or it could make it better than I ever imagined. This is one port I’ll really have to play to appreciate. At the very lease, the asthetic hasn’t changed, the above screen shot from the Wii version looks pretty much identical to the XBLA one.

Thankfully, one feature will be retained from the XBLA classic: Online leaderboards! Nothing drove me to get better at this game more than knowing a friend had only a couple thousand points more than me. No other Wii game has been announced with this feature so hopefully it’ll spark developers to add it in for appropriate games.

Full press release follows
[Read the rest of this entry…]

How comic books are made

Spider-man Week Post Banner

As part of Spider-man week, has posted a video of Ralph Macchio at the New York Public Library describing the life of a comic book from start to finish. Its a pretty neat clip, so I’ve included it below:

Marvel Zombie Minimates get ahead

Minimates Marvel Zombies Post Banner

Haha! I made a punny title.

…er, anyway, DST and Art Asylum…actually, DST just acquired Art Asylum, so just DST…will be offering a box set of Marvel Minimates based on the highly popular Marvel Zombies series. The set will feature Colonel America, Spider-man, Hulk, Luke Cage, Wolverine and finally revealed, the disembodied head of Zombie Wasp. These figures are due for release in late September and the set should retail for about US$19.99.

Minimates Marvel Zombies Wave 1
Minimates Marvel Zombies Spiderman with Zombie Wasp head

Dark Knight teaser site updated Part 3

Dark Knight Teaser Joker Hidden Text

Recently, we reported on the revelation of Heath Ledger as the Joker in the upcoming Batman movie. The site that once showed the defaced Harvey Dent campaign poster and then the frightening image of Ledger in character,, has been updated once more. The page shows a message of “Page Not Found.” However, if you highlight the entire page, you see hidden text. Essentially its HA HA HA over and over and over again in varying font sizes and capitalization. Interspersed among the H’a and A’s are randomly inserted letters. Being the lazy person I am, I copied the entirety of the hidden text into Textpad, my text editor of choice, and did a search for H, A, a and h and replaced with a null (“”).

The results: Pgenotfound.seeYOuInDECeMbER

From MST3K to RiffTrax

RiffTraxWho remembers Mystery Science Theatre 3000?

Ok, I don’t think I honestly need to ask that question, seeing as how if you don’t know what MST3K is, you should just surf away from this site right now. (err, no wait…come back) Anyway, for those who do remember the syndicated television show where one man and 2 robots would constantly rip on older horror and science fiction flicks like a in-film perversion of Siskel & Ebert, but regret the fact that the show no longer runs featuring some newer films to dump on, you’re in luck! features MST3K’s Michael J. Nealson doing various movie critiques of some of the field’s more recent cinema, such as the the morse recent Star Wars Trilogy, Eragon, Casino Royale, and The Matrix – all in Mystery Science Theatre format of halarity. All you have to do is download the MP3 commentary that goes with your movie of choice, and play it at the same time as the DVD!

Of course, there is a downside – you have to pay. Each movie MP3 is about $2-$3

So, if you’re feeling bored some night and have the money to spend for some tried-and-true funny times, then this might be right up your alley. Otherwise, you may just want to get your friends liquored up and pop in Army of Darkness or Happy Gilmore.

80GB PS3 Unveiled, South Korea shrugs

What do you do with the discontinued 20GB PS3? Cram it on top of the 60GB model, of course!

MSNBC reports that the new model will go on sale in South Korea this June.

Coming only days after Starcraft II was unveiled at the Blizzard Worldwide Invitational, it is completely unlikely that this ill-timed news will make a dent in the current euphoria.

There are presently no announced plans to bring this model to US shores, so for those of you extremely jealous of the Korean peninsula this week, relief will not be immediately forthcoming.

Source: MSNBC – Sony may sell 80-GB Playstation 3 in US

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