Colbert Report - Featuring Captain AmericaA new R-rated trailer for 300, a brief glimpse of the upcoming Watchmen movie therein, and just for fun, The WORD from last night’s Colbert Report, featuring the death of Captain America. All of that and more (not really, just that) after the jump!

First off, there’s the new R-rated trailer for 300. Odd that they’d wait until release to show it. Even odder is that it’s only 2 and a half minutes long, and there’s about 2 and a half minutes of blank screen tacked on the end. Regardless, here it is, in all its R-rated glory:

As interesting as that was, what’s catching notice is the briefest flash of an image at 1:52 of the trailer, where we get a glimpse of a certain comic book character. See, Zack Snyder – the director of 300 – is also going to direct the upcoming Watchmen movie (despite Watchmen being probably one of the worst fits for movie treatment out of any comic ever), and Wizard confirms that the image is indeed a test image of Rorschach run by Snyder for that movie. Here’s the image, mirrored below:

Rorschach from 300 trailer

And last, even though it’s not a trailer, it’s a video, and I figured it’s enjoyable enough to fit in. Here’s last night’s “The WORD” from The Colbert Report, featuring Captain America. Note how the audience wasn’t super into his jokes. I know I ended up laughing a lot more than they did. Buncha nerds.