Marvel Legends2006.07.11 13:41 EST: Huge news for Marvel Legends fans! ToyFare has gotten their hands on a picture of one of the new figures along with a listing of the rest of the assortment, which is sure to be on display at next week’s San Diego Comic Con.

From the Wizard site:

The first series of Marvel Legends to be released by Hasbro, who takes over the Marvel license from Toy Biz in January, will feature Planet Hulk [pictured], Banshee, Hercules, Movie Beast, Emma Frost, Ultimate Iron Man, and Annihilus as the build-a-figure! Check out ToyFare #109, on sale Wednesday, for more images of the figures, as well as images of movie Ghost Rider toys and new Spider-Man figures from Hasbro!

Marvel Legends Planet Hulk Hulk Marvel Legends Banshee

Marvel Legends Annihilus Wave  Marvel Legends Annihilus Wave

It looks like build-a-figures are here to stay as they clearly have gotten collectors to buy entire waves far more eagerly. Of note, is the presence of Ultimate Iron Man, not to be confused with the Modern Armor Iron Man of Toy Biz Wave 8. I’m sure his presence is due to the impending movie release. Rememer that there are still a few more waves of Toy Biz figures to go before these ever see the light of day.

Let the speculation on variants begin.

[Update – Crazy: 2006.07.12 12:33 EST ToyFare has posted a picture of Banshee on their forums after great speculation on the quality of the line based on the Hulk figure. They also reminded us that these were very early prototypes so some results may vary. I added the Banshee picture next to the Hulk above.]

[Update 2 – Crazy 2006.07.13. 12:00 EST I found some scanned in pages from the latest ToyFare that reveals the line up. The images came from here. Images added above. Again.]