Powet Top 5: Top 5 Memorable Deaths on the Wire
by William Talley, filed in Powet Top 5 on Jul.07, 2012
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Snotboogie, as seen in the opening seconds of the show's first episode. R.I.P Snotboogie
Baltimore is a dangerous place, even moreso if you’re involved in its drug game. Of course if you watch HBO’s groundbreaking series The Wire, you already know this. No one is guarenteed a happy ending. In fact, several people, including main characters have gotten killed in some of the worst ways imaginable. The five people below in particular, have deaths that were particularly memorable and gut wrenching. Coincidently, this list is organized by season as well. Obviously, massive spoilers are coming, so if you haven’t seen this series, check out the links below before reading.