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Entries Tagged ‘Street Fighter’:

Street Fighter IV Screen

There it is from 1UP. A full cover story on the game will appear in EGM’s January issue, which should be in the mail and in stores any day now.

They did reveal the game is 2D six-button fighting with Ryu, Ken, Chun-Li, and Dhalsim returning.

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Street Fighter IV: A New Beginning

Capcom was releasing some major teasers at their Gamer’s Day event yesterday, including a new Bionic Commando, and announced that their stellar Xbox 360 game Lost Planet would come to PS3 next year with all the downloadable content on disc.
But the announcement that takes the cake is Street Fighter IV. Its been a long time since Capcom made a new 2D fighter, and the last time the Street Fighter crew appeared was on the less than great Neo Geo game SVC Chaos.

But now we have A New Beginning, and a teaser trailer to go with it.

We don’t know who is making it, what system it will be for, or even if it will be a true 2D fighter, but if its not, why bother? Capcom knows their hardcore audience is still playing Alpha 2 Gold and 3rd Strike like they’re new games, so it makes the most sense to keep the legacy in tact. I hope for a limited arcade release followed by versions on every console that can run it. HD, 16×9, all that stuff.

If you’ve been wondering what happened to all the characters from Street Fighter II, you may want to look up The Later Years

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$20 Game of the Week: Street Fighter Alpha Anthology (PS2)

sfaanth.jpgCapcom’s Street Fighter series was a first in gaming, particularly in the one-on-one fighting game genre. While it didn’t create the genre, it helped launch it into mainstream. It introduced the popular 6-button attack scheme, multiple selectable characters, and combo attacks that made use of joystick motions. Unfortunately, it was also one of the first games to receive multiple revisions, particular with Street Fighter 2. By 1995, we had no less than 5 different versions of the game. Players were begging for more, and Capcom’s inability to count to three became somewhat of a running gag in video games. Thankfully Capcom finally gave us something new. Street Fighter Alpha, with a storyline that took place between Street Fighter 1 and 2, gave the series a much needed update with new characters (including many from the original Street Fighter and Final Fight), attacks, and a new fighting system. It wasn’t exactly Street Fighter 3, but fans ate it up all the same.
[Read the rest of this entry…]

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Capcom unleashes HD remakes of Super Puzzle Fighter and Super Street Fighter

While arcade perfect and enhanced for online play, Capcom’s release of Street Fighter II Turbo on Xbox Live Arcade was not without faults. The dated graphics and lack of widescreen support didn’t hinder the timeless gameplay, but it didn’t add anything.

Capcom is now committed to beefing up their support of Xbox Live Arcade and Playstation Network with new releases of Super Puzzle Fighter II in the summer and Super Street Fighter II Turbo in the fall. But they won’t be ports, they’ll be completely remade and redrawn from scratch to take full advantage of 1080p High Definition displays. The masters at Udon comics will handle the artwork and designs, while Backbone Entertainment will recreate the games.

1up got some comments from Backbone’s Christian Svensson that you can read here.

So the full title is Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix… wow, what a mouthful. A pity its not a fully new Street Fighter IV, but if Capcom insists on milking their classics, at least they’re not being lazy about it and giving the games the full on Mario Allstars treatments!

In related news, a not online, not enhanced, not arcade perfect, SNES port of Street Fighter II Turbo is coming to Wii Virtual Console soon. It will be $8, just like the regular Street Fighter II you just bought.

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$20 Game of the Week

As I promised, this week I’m doubling up on the $20 GOTW. One game brings back something that hasn’t been seen since the days of the SNES: a pack in game. The other is yet another good gaming compilation that may seem familiar to some PSP owners. If you have yet to spend the money grandpa gave you for X-mas, here are a few good cheap games.
[Read the rest of this entry…]

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$20 GOTW: Street Fighter EX 3 (PS2)

sfex3.jpgThis week’s $20 GOTY and lost classics are gonna take you waaaaaay back. First, lets take a trip back to the PS2 launch. Although there weren’t many titles worth grabbing at the time, (except Timesplitters and Tekken Tag Tournament) Capcom gave us fighting game fans something to tide us over.

You either love the EX series or you hate it. Those who like it, (me for instance) like the cool music, intresting new characters (although some are somewhat dull), and the fact that our favorite 2-d series translated so well to 3-d. Those who hate it harp on it’s static backgrounds, dull characters, and consider it blasphemy to take a 2-d stalwart and take it into 3-d. Capcom’s 3-d fighters have been more of a test run than anything, and the fact that they still continue to produce 2-d games speaks volumes of thier apprehension to make the jump to 3-d. Be that as it may, beside Rival Schools and Tech Romancer, this is probably thier best 3-d effort.

Although the only new character introduced here is Ace (a robot who you can set special attacks for in an all new mission mode), many of your favorites from the EX series have arrived. A new Tag Team mode, similar to the Marvel vs Capcom games is also included. You can’t change in and out as rapidly here as you did in MVC though, so it adds a layer of strategy and timing. A new single player mode tries to do things differently by having you fight more than one opponent at once, and giving you the option to recruit defeated opponents to your team. Finally, beating the aforementioned single player mode treats you to the wildest credit sequence ever; a free-for all brawl where the goal is to take out as many enemies as you can.

As I mentioned before, not everyone will like SFEX3, particularly series purists. I kinda miss the remixed barrel breaking game from the original EX. For those who don’t mind a little change now and then however, you can’t go wrong with this PS2 blast from the past.

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Another Street Fighter Movie

chun-li.jpgIf at first you don’t succeed: fail, fail again.

12 years after Universal dropped the Jean Claude Van Damme “Street Fighter” onto an unsuspecting populus, Capcom has given motion picture rights to Hyde Park Entertainment. The new live action movie will focus on Chun Li, but the story is not being mentioned at this time. Justin Marks has been tapped to write the script, who also wrote 2003’s “The Stranger” starring fave Xander Berkeley.

There’s no shortage of animated Street Fighter product, and UDON keeps comics on shelves, but every time someone tries to dress up like these characters, it looks corny.

They’re aiming for a 2008 release, in time for the 20th Anniversary of the series. Will this movie be any good? Hard to say. I mean, the first Street Fighter game was pretty dismal too, but we all know Street Fighter II.

source: Variety

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E. Honda hundred hand slaps Baltimore

This past week Street Fighter II: Hyper Fighting became the fastest selling Xbox Live Arcade game so far, but Street Fighter fans need look no further than this enthusiastic cosplayer who invaded Otakon to celebrate their favorite franchise.

vid courtesy tentopet

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